Transfer listing of players

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December 23, 2007 06:58

387 posts(s)


currently a player can be sold within 1 minute: player listed, interested manager bids, tick closes the deal, finish.

I think that’s not healthy & fair. If a player X is listed for let’s say 500k he should stay on TL in FT&MT for 3 turns. Starting with the first bid. So it’s more transparent to a wider manager audience and the chance of secret agreements of two parties is lower.

for the instance that the seller changes his minimum price, the minimum listing period should start again from this point on. b/c if someone lists his player for 6M, another manager bids 6M, and 5 Minutes before 3 turns are over, seller puts the minimum down to 500k (b/c it’s a “friend” he’s selling to), and the buyer lowers his bid as well.


December 23, 2007 08:02

1,003 posts(s)



Yep, that is on our plans. Hope to be able to implement it soon.



January 02, 2008 07:01

50 posts(s)


Until you mentioned it I had never thought about these so called ‘secret agreements’

Good call Philipp.