Player Loans

Subscribe to Player Loans 3 post(s), 2 voice(s)


April 22, 2021 14:50

236 posts(s)


Hi, we are 4 ticks away from the start of the season, but none of my players up for loan have been loaned out.

I’d expected at least 1 to have been picked by now.

Hard to get official matches for everyone in a squad of 40. Loans in this game are important for team development.

Any chance to tweak it to loan earlier in the new season, and to have a few more get picked up by npc teams?


April 23, 2021 01:46

4,303 posts(s)



This is a hot topic I’d say. I’ve heard similar suggestions before, but essentially you are asking non-managed teams to prioritise developing players from human-managed teams instead of using what they have best or developing their own :-)

Class E and F teams are the ones which will look into loans first and pick the best players available for loan that they think would be part of their first 11. For example, they wouldn’t loan a GK from you if theirs was better in their view or they wouldn’t loan an attacker if they had 2-3 better than the ones you’re offering for loan.

Teams with class A to D will also loan players, but they tend to prioritise buying players. If they don’t find or can’t afford what they’re looking for then they will look into loans. We need to be careful in tweaking that so we don’t end up with a better loan market but worse transfer market, if that makes sense.


April 25, 2021 07:52

236 posts(s)


just trying to work out how to develop my terrible players, whilst remaining competitive.