Limite de Jogadores

Subscribe to Limite de Jogadores 5 post(s), 5 voice(s)


October 09, 2017 00:42

5 posts(s)


Acho que a imposição de limite de jogadores por qualidade não tem o menor objetivo. A única coisa que vai acontecer é enfraquecer os times mais fracos e fortalecer os mais fortes, o que é um absurdo.


October 09, 2017 10:41

4,296 posts(s)




É exatamente esse tipo de discussão que queria fomentar com a proposta de limite de jogadores. Estou analisando uma série de iniciativas que visam adicionar um grau de desafio maior ao jogo quando você está tentando evoluir um time pequeno e o limite de jogadores seria algo nesse sentido. Times grandes teriam mais facilidade de contratar jogadores e pequenos maior facilidade em formar jogadores. Além disso serviria também pra representar situações em que um jogador bom não aceitaria jogar por um time pequeno ou numa liga pequena.

Enfim, ainda não está certo que essa proposta vai pra frente, como disse outras mudanças de menor impacto estão sendo consideradas também!


David is asking about the player limit proposal and here is my view:

This is exactly the type of discussion I’d like to see with the proposal ti limit the number of players. I’m evaluating a number of initiatives whose aim is to make the game more challenging when you’re trying to improve a small team and the player limit is something towards that goal. Big clubs would have an advantage in hiring players and and smaller ones would have an advantage growing players. Besides that the limit would also represent situations where a good player would not accept playing for a small club or in a small league.

Anwyay, it is not yet confirmed this proposal will go ahead, as I said other changes with less impact are also being considered!


October 09, 2017 16:13

296 posts(s)


The best players should want to play for the best teams. There are of course exceptions. Players 32 or older could potentially drop to a smaller league. I’m not 100% how the new system will work but I’m willing to try it


October 09, 2017 17:58

38 posts(s)


Maybe we should thinking about limits the “S” players not in the squad but in the match? In the squad you can have 10 or even 15 “S” players (if you can afford it) but in the single match can play only max. 2 or 3 of them.

“S” players for everyone, I meant for other teams too =D


October 09, 2017 21:16

157 posts(s)


I’ve mentioned this to Gabriel before, but just to put it here as well: as long as there is no limit on players developed in-house – that is, as long the limitation is just to acquire new players and not an obligation to sell players – we should at least try it…