
Subscribe to Negotiations 37 post(s), 8 voice(s)


September 17, 2015 08:12

639 posts(s)



With the way negotiations currently work, it’s not really negotiating anymore. Perhaps it can be renamed to ‘Take-it-or-leave-it’?


September 17, 2015 08:51

40 posts(s)


I agree, new system sucks. how I can know what players want? crazy system.

I’ve a young player, I offer him 6000 and he has refused, and now I can’t negotiate any more


September 17, 2015 23:25

4,303 posts(s)



A third of the players are probably being too harsh. The intention was to just stop managers from offering crap salaries just to wait for a counter offer and force the wages to increase overall. But if the general feeling is that this was not a good addition to the game I can easily soften the rules even for the most demanding players.


September 18, 2015 08:48

296 posts(s)


I’ve found it fine so far, giving my players a little extra and they all accept


September 18, 2015 09:26

639 posts(s)



An example of a ‘negotiation’ with a player of 32 year old (and I thought older players go down in player value so don’t go up in wages).

I: 18000 (current wage)
Player: 23000
I: 21000
Player: Stops negotiations

I didn’t care so much about losing this player, but if you do care, you have no choice in accepting whatever demand the player has, or to risk losing him. So there is no room for negotiating anymore. I do not believe that this was the purpose of the change?


September 18, 2015 10:49

4,303 posts(s)



In this particular example he was not upset about the wage offered, but he didn’t want to give you more than one counter proposal. This is another aspect of the negotiations that depend on the player negotiation profile, some of them will only get back to you once and if you don’t match their demands or at least make a close enough offer (how close is another aspect of the negotiation profile) they will also cancel negotiations. In summary the variable aspects of the players negotiation profiles are:

1) Minimum acceptable wage: a percentage of what they really want, any offer below that threshold will immediately cause the negotiations to be cancelled
2) Number of counter proposals: as a minimum a player will always give you 1 counter proposal (assuming you met the criteria above), some will give you more..once you extend the negotiation for too long without agreeing on the wage the player will also cancel negotiations
3) Wage acceptance threshold: this is how the player will accept below his expectations

Real example of a possible player negotiation profile:

1) 50% – if you offer less than half the wage he is expecting negotiations are cancelled
2) 2 – if the player gives you two counter proposals and do not agree to your next offer he will cancel the negotiation
3) 96% – if he expected 10,000 and you offered 9,600 he will accept the offer


September 18, 2015 18:08

639 posts(s)



“as a minimum a player will always give you 1 counter proposal "

If you change this to ‘as a minimum a player will always accept 1 counter proposal’’ negotiations between players and managers are still possible. Isn’t that better?


September 18, 2015 23:58

4,303 posts(s)



I could do that, just don’t want to make it too easy so that the new system is useless. I suppose it won’t be as long as we keep item 1 on my post above as it is. Anyone else has any thoughts?


September 19, 2015 06:49

40 posts(s)


in my case, I offered same wage he still has, he refused and now I can’t renew any more. it’s nonsense


September 20, 2015 19:22

96 posts(s)


I think this feature is good, remember in real football it’s all about player power. This new feature, to me represents this.


September 22, 2015 17:42

68 posts(s)


Contract negiotations are getting beyond a joke! I offered the player exactly what he wanted and he cancelled negiotiations stating " he decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations"

So now ive lost the player…Great!


September 23, 2015 01:16

4,303 posts(s)



Wait, that is not possible…if you make an initial offer, the player actually comes back with a counter offer and you meet exactly what he asked, he will always accept. He can only cancel negotiations if your initial offer is below his minimum expectations (in the initial offer you don’t know what he wants) OR if you continously try to counter his own offers. As I’ve wrtiten in a message to another manager today, a good approach when making an offer is finding a similar player in terms of skills, position, age and stars and check how much he earns…put an extra fat on top of that just to be sure.

As Sniff said, this is about player power, we as managers have been using a negotiation system that was too easy for too long, that’s why it’s so hard to transition. Losing a player should not be as big a deal, it should be an integral part of how the player market works. With the introduction of player morale (hopefully some time next week) there will be an extra level of player power added. This is not intended to cause any grief with managers, we are just trying to simulate some minimal player intelligence and free will.

I’m inclined to create a poll asking about the new system, based on the messages here it seems most people don’t like it, but that can be misleading as the people who like it are not so eager to voice their opinions as the ones who don’t ;-)


September 23, 2015 02:10

828 posts(s)


this game went to shit

i fuckn dominate every fucking game…and lose to teams that are absolute fuckn shite….wtf is this fuckn shit game ? wheres rubysoccer ?


September 23, 2015 19:13

4,303 posts(s)



Davison, you continue to offer very constructive crtiticism, thanks for that.


September 23, 2015 23:55

828 posts(s)



September 24, 2015 07:19

40 posts(s)


I offer a new contract upper than past contract, he refused. absurd….


September 24, 2015 09:12

296 posts(s)


I’ve had no issues so far, are you all offering a wage that is close to his worth? If the player has progressed in the last 3 years then you must give him a decent pay rise! None of this adding 2 or 3 k onto the contract


September 24, 2015 19:08

40 posts(s)


and how I can know if and how raise offer? I’ve to sign all contract and all renew? I don’t understand the scope of this system, all players asked more after my first offer and after some negotiations they have had their bigger new contract, why so complicated now?


September 24, 2015 20:44

4,303 posts(s)



My personal approach is to look how much similar players are earning and offer something similar. Don’t forget to consider stars when looking for similar players. The main goals of the system are:

1) Stop the easy negotiation pattern most people used (me included) where the manager offers a salary the player would never accept so he/she can see how much the player really wants when the initial offer is rejected. Negotiations are now something you need to give a little more thought to.
2) Give some personal touch to players with the different profiles
3) Introduce a mechanism by which managers can lose a player to improve the transfer market


September 25, 2015 06:33

40 posts(s)


player with a wage of 12.100, I offer 14.000 (+15%), he refused and don’t want to negotiate any more.


September 25, 2015 09:57

4,303 posts(s)



It is not about percentage increase, it is about how much you offer compared to how much he wants. Let’s say your player wanted 20.000 and his profile tells him to reject offers that are lower than 75% of what he wants. He would have cancelled negotiations in this scenario.

I still think this change is being tough on managers just because nobody really paid any attention before on how much they paid for different players.


September 25, 2015 11:30

40 posts(s)


sorry but I still don’t understand how I can divine how much he wants….


September 25, 2015 11:44

4,303 posts(s)



Well, you cannot divine it, it’s all about an informed guess based on what other players earn :-)
I think this deserves a poll!


September 25, 2015 13:52

96 posts(s)


Players are basically asking for market value wages if I understand the system correctly. I don’t see what there is to complain about. Offer the player more than their last contract (no one wants to be paid less as they get more experienced). Then when the player comes back with their higher demands, offer them that if you want to keep them. As I said before it’s now about player power, rather than managers trying to save money on wages, as this doesn’t happen in the real football world any more.


September 25, 2015 20:09

828 posts(s)


match rating shit but still demands increase of wages… yeh that makes sense …. you get payed for the work you put in….


September 25, 2015 22:24

296 posts(s)


In that case Davison all your players would be earning £0! ;)

Negotiations are fine, if your unsure about wages then bump it up and save the risk of him leaving.


September 28, 2015 01:11

68 posts(s)


There is no negotiations anymore! The player cancelled my first offer and now i dont even have the chance to make a better offer. This is stupid becos now im loosing a good young player!

Sorry but im seriously thinking about leaving the game becos having players cancel the contract offer before uve even had a chance to negotiate is rediculous! If i knew how much the player wanted i wud happily offer the amount but i dont becos im not given a chance!


September 28, 2015 16:13

40 posts(s)


I agree

Now I don’t know how much offer, so simple double: in a couple of years my players will gain more than Cristiano Ronaldo…


September 29, 2015 12:52

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll introduce the Negotiations investment area soon to provide advice on how much to offer a player during contract negotiations. Keep an eye on the announcements in the next few days.


September 06, 2016 07:12

40 posts(s)


again, a player refused my offer (suggested by system) and I can’t negotiate with him any more, so now I’ll lose him without any chance for me. this system sucks.