Mercado de transferências

Subscribe to Mercado de transferências 24 post(s), 11 voice(s)


February 20, 2013 11:15

116 posts(s)


Gabriel, com o novo sistema, acredito que não vale mais a pena vender os “craques” do time, pois não há mais necessidade de fazer caixa.
Eu estive pensando em algumas soluções para isso e acredito que a mais viável seria liberar totalmente as transações entre os usuários.
O limite de 1 venda/compra pra cada usuário por temporada impossibilita um novo tipo de negociação, qual seja: a venda de super jogadores.

Exemplo: os meus jogadores, Tomas Cejas e Amadeo Samuel, da forma que está hoje, eu não penso em vende-los, mas se não houvesse limites na transferências e o usuário X me oferecesse 4 jovens potenciais pelo Tomas Cejas, talvez já seria viável o negócio.

Bem, você tem muita experiência nesse tipo de jogo, com certeza já deve ter pensado em algo.

Mas como disse, da forma que está, não vale mais a pena vender os craques, mesmo para aqueles times que estão em formação, pois o retorno não vale a pena.



February 20, 2013 23:43

4,285 posts(s)



Do jeito que está vale a pena se você estiver sem budget e quiser repor pra fazer novas compras. Mas talvez as mudanças nos permitam pensar em flexibilizar as regras como vc sugere ou até mesmo introduzir o conceito de troca de jogadores. Vamos ver como as coisas vão ficar.


February 21, 2013 13:09

58 posts(s)



Concordo com o Felix. Com este sistema não faz sentido nenhum transferir bons jogadores…
Um sistema de trocas seria muito bem vindo e penso que trazia mais diversão ao jogo…

Diogo Silva


February 21, 2013 18:56

803 posts(s)


Ainda não percebi muito bem como será isso do budget mas se um treinador gastar tudo o que tem numa época não deverá começar a próxima com o mesmo que um treinador não gastou tudo. Isto é, o budget de um ano deve ter em conta o que restou do ano anterior, é assim?

De qualquer forma penso desde as mudanças no comportamento dos CPUs e o aumento das transferencias ficou mais dificil para os Game Masters controlarem os movimentos de possiveis cheaters, alterações que dificultem ainda mais isso não me parecem grande ideia…


February 21, 2013 21:07

4,285 posts(s)



No momento o transfer budget restante é ignorado na temporada seguinte, mas acredito que vamos mudar isso pra que a sobra possa ter algum efeito positivo.


February 21, 2013 21:18

116 posts(s)


Pelo que eu entendi eu devo gastar TUDO o que tenho na temporada corrente, pois o valor não acumula.
Por isso eu disse que não compensava vender craques.
Eu acho troca de jogadores perigoso, pois não possibilita de outros managers entrarem na negociação, como em uma venda normal, onde qualquer um pode ofertar.


February 22, 2013 09:29

104 posts(s)


Eu concordo com troca de jogadores seria interessante nas negociacoes directas com outros treinadores para ter um determinado jogador sem que outros pudessem estragar o negocio.
Felix por exemplo quero et comprar um jogador e dou te dinheiro + um da minha equipa que estejas interessado… aparece outro e rouba te esse jogador olha eu fico a ganhar mas tu a perderes ehehe; com troca de jogadores isso nao poderia acontecer; no entanto devia claro pra evitar tipo de batota ser limitado a uma ou duas trocas por epoca entre utilisadores


February 22, 2013 13:40

301 posts(s)


I’m assuming this is in regards to the transfer market?
If so, i believe the market will run dry really quickly based on the current changes. I think what might “normalize” the market is introducing another variable such as player moral.
this way, not everyone will have the easy ability to just resign all their players. some will NOT want to sign with the teams and you would have no choice but to TL that player.
I guess in due time, once we see how the current markets become based on the new model, something will be introduced to kick start the markets again. (if its needed)


February 22, 2013 21:38

828 posts(s)


- homesick, – doesnt like manager – wants to play elsewhere – deported due to arrest lol i want to see these things. give us managers more ability with our players performance

training should be an option also be able to pick what area per training session to work on.

a star system for fan favorates at the club. ect

make it happen


February 23, 2013 10:58

678 posts(s)


Being able to train certain stats wouldn’t make it fair. The randomness keeps it fair, otherwise we would all be stacked with 100 shooting attackers. In managersim you could train ‘attacking skills’ or ‘teamplay’, but I believe this was more fiction then fact. I always felt it had really minor advantages.

So i don’t think it will be in the advantage of the game to train in specific skills.

Player Morale would be awesome. Again, just like in managersim, that just stacking your team with youths for friendlies would seriously hurt your team performance, since they were unhappy most of the time because of lack of officials. This WOULD bring a new dimension to the game.

Even though I’m happy something like rubysoccer is around, and that it perhaps has surpassed Managersim on some levels, I still feel that even after 5-6 years since Managersim is down, it has not exceeded it. I still miss features that game had, which ruby does not. Rubysoccer to some level feels like an ‘easier’ game, since things are less random and more visible. I think others who played managersim can confirm, that that game had alot of ‘hidden’ things. Hidden stats or features, which made the game pretty dynamic.

But hey, a free game like this is absolutely awesome, and I thank gabriel/danillo for creating it for us. Doing it all in there spare time and letting alot of people enjoy it FOR FREE!

Keep up the great work!! Who knows where this game could eventually end up!!!



February 24, 2013 09:33

828 posts(s)


how wouldnt it make it fair ? and wtf is this fair shit. build your team the way you want it what do we acturally manage here ? having training I.E an investment upgrade 1-10 and a point system that can potentially help the player grow better, he may not. however if the player pays attention and learns then he gets better, just like real life.

im talking about each individual player focus on finishing, tackle, passing, speed, strength, header ect ect ect ect stamina, fitness ect

i really dont see how this at all wouldnt be fair in fact it gives the manager more actural managing other than set a formation, hope your high attribute players that look good on paper perform, throw in some very primative tactical options, subs, and the basic mentallity ( which also is bear minimum)

you decide what you want that player to be focusing on, you get to change it after lets say 10 ticks to something else, or the manager can option ( pick himself) ( in your case) an automatic training that does it for the manager.

w.e still think my idea would bring greatly much needed excitement in regards to home grown training facility ( thats what id call it)
customizing your own team is in no way unfair. this isnt about fairness anyway we are not friends in this game, we are enemies, we play to win, not to shake hands and call it a draw. fuck fairness in regards to managing, cheating is one thing but saying having the option of custom training schedules and skill focuses would be unfair is just bullshit


February 24, 2013 09:38

828 posts(s)


id call a training facility investment upgrade option. you can choose to have it at w.e level or not, depending on the level of coaching however have the upgrade investment only be able to match the ability of coaching , the upgrade to training facility would allow for more options like how fast they earn + attributes the coaching currently is completely not good enoguh for that


February 24, 2013 12:15

678 posts(s)


I don’t feel you should take the randomness out of the game. There is not much randomness, so why take the last thing you can’t control out of the game. I don’t like that idea one bit. Infact I find it unrealistic aswell. Players are born with some form of talent. Training normally only gives minor improvements. You actually think Messi had to train to get his type of ‘flair’? For you as an englishman, you think Gerrard had to practise hard to get his cannon of a shot? He was born with that talent mate :)

When I said fair I ment, we would all get the same type of teams, since anyone could easely train an attacker on high shooting or defender on high tackle. The fact you can’t control what stats players get makes it hard and thus intresting. All you seem to want is to make things easier for managers. Good managers will always find a way. Managers like Charles Cimitier, Filipe Silva, Dhimitier, Francois, myself and so and so on (for those I forgot). They all proven to always be able to start over and create a winning team.

I rather see things like player morale being implemented.


February 24, 2013 21:50

828 posts(s)


keep the randomness and have training also, you still will not be able to controll if the player responds to your coaching/team he may be bad with you but go on to be unlocked by another manager ( so many players have done this)


February 25, 2013 07:12

1,003 posts(s)



heh, I love your posts Davison. They are the joy of my afternoons, please keep them coming. Do not hold back because of the eventual lack of reaction from our side, rest assured we will carefully digest everything you say and “make it happen” !


February 25, 2013 07:32

1,003 posts(s)



As for the rest of the discussion:

We’ve been planning to add a few more things to the players for a while now. I don’t see this happening bit by bit – when we do it, we are probably going to add everything we are planning at the same time. This may sound a little bit strange, but doing everything at the same time will actually save us some effort, because most of the changes will be in the same parts of the code.

So lets have a look at some things we have had in our minds for a while now (some since 2007):

  1. Star Rating (which will have a chance of affecting the potential performance of the player, depending on the game)
  2. Morale and Personality (which will make players a little bit more difficult to manage and negotiate with, as they will have their own “will”)
  3. A new youth development model, more closely knit with what we think is the real world. This has already been discussed and we have the mathematics of it ready. It is just a matter of implementing it, which I intend to do myself

Those are all things I’ve been planning to do next, as soon as I can spare some time and motivation.

I partially agree with Sly’s comments, because I think RS surpassed MS in most aspects already – even though some of the key aspects were not surpassed YET. One of our main objectives with RS at the moment is to ensure our game surpasses MS in every single aspect. In the light of that objective, who knows what we might do… But we certainly think the economy changes were a very good start – the system is now much easier to manage and changes/adjustments are much simpler to implement as well.

The changes to the players are next, and after that what I had in mind were a refinements to things that are already there: add a few things to the team setup screens, review the game master tools, take the newspaper to the next level, add more achievements and a few more things around it, a simple RS mobile version, etc.


February 25, 2013 09:13

828 posts(s)


lol ^ Make it happen brah :D


February 25, 2013 09:28

639 posts(s)



Include Davison in the developers team Danilo! No doubt this will make Rubysoccer the most succesful football manager game ever.


February 25, 2013 09:51

678 posts(s)


I just got one thing to add here, ignorance is bliss :)


February 28, 2013 08:57

828 posts(s)


so let me get this straight, being able to customize training focus is something you guys want to mock me over ? looks to me that you want zero actual managing input in this game.

and btw if you included me in the developing team as idea creation, this game would be alot funner with alot of options for managers. less shit


February 28, 2013 11:41

4,285 posts(s)



There will always be a lot of shit in this game, but we do expect to add more squad management aspects such as player morale, contract clauses, detailed training :-)

We just had to do something about the economy and the latest changes were a huge step in that direction (hopefully the right direction). Now we can adjust it a little bit and move on to add more fun!


February 28, 2013 12:19

57 posts(s)


i’d rather mock you over how bad you think the game is and how addicted to playing it you seem to be :P


February 28, 2013 13:47

301 posts(s)


Regarding customized training: I think opening this up will change the way the game is being played. So far, the ONLY games i’ve seen where there is customized training are games where your team is created with your own name. These games have different economy settings and definitely “feel” different than Ruby or SS. I think its important to keep ruby the way it was originally designed to be. A simulation game in a game world thats fictitious. but a game world that has its own divisions based on REAL LIFE. All these other simulation games i see have 10 divs per country, a bunch of team names that don’t make sense (cause they were created by the manager) and in my opinion, don’t seem to be genuine. I like Ruby a lot because of the fact that the teams are all based on their real life counterparts.

Now maybe its just me and the fact that i’ve seen customized training in these other types of simulation which makes me not like the idea… but as gabriel said, adding other aspects to player manager such as star rating moral etc etc would definitely add to the game and my hope is it will reduce these rumblings from Davison about customized training :)

I have to agree with Sly though, making training generic across all teams levels the playing field and randomizes the game. I think thats what we are all looking for, a game that keeps us guessing. Like he said, if we were to customize, you’d have 100 shots all over the place which really isn’t realistic… i feel like the randomness allows this game to remain within realistic measure.


February 28, 2013 21:40

4,285 posts(s)



I agree with you about the other games Charles, I prefer to have real life teams rather than nonsense named teams. What I mean by customized training is not being able to simply focus on a single skill and have the player develop it exclusively, but maybe some tendencies like defense / attack or training intensity. We don’t have a decision on that yet so when we start we can have a topic to discuss the options.