New Youth players

Subscribe to New Youth players 10 post(s), 7 voice(s)


March 23, 2010 23:50

65 posts(s)



I thought of this recently and decided to post it for general consideration.

As it currently stands you get given a new youth player when a current youth goes to contract or leaves the club without control of what role he plays on the field (G,D,M or A). My suggestion is that you get a list of currently available youth players for your team. So when you come around to needing a new youth player replacement, you get a list of 4 players (1 x G, 1 x D, 1 x M and 1 x A). The player stats are hidden so you wont know which is good and which is bad, but it could be made so that 1 of the 4 is a player with future potential. Having this choice of pick for youth players could help prevent having a youth bench loaded up with 1 particular player type (G,D,M or A).


March 25, 2010 06:02

4,300 posts(s)



This is an interesting suggestion. Maybe we could associate the number of choices you’d have with your scouting level. Anybody else have any comments?


March 25, 2010 08:09

299 posts(s)


The only way this works is that every time you have to pick a youth, you are always presented with a new fresh set of 4 choices.


March 25, 2010 13:03

287 posts(s)


Maybe an option to set “Pretend new youth”: G,D,M,A

If you have high scouting you can have more chance to have your option.


March 28, 2010 01:35

4,300 posts(s)



@Ulisses: also interesting, and easier to do.


March 28, 2010 05:03

65 posts(s)



That path would disadvantage people who decide to go to a club in the new countries, as they wouldn’t have the income level to afford high scouting levels. A scouting department of any level should enable you to get the ability of choosing what position your youth player fills (A,M,D or G), if you want to have scout level play a part in this, why not have the scout level influence the chance you have at selecting a player with potential.


March 29, 2010 00:14

4,300 posts(s)



Well, I just mentioned the scouting department cause it’s the cheapest of all (60k on lvl 10). And remember that in this scenario you could get the desired position by chance like it is today, the scouting level would just increase the chance of getting the desired position.


March 29, 2010 05:30

828 posts(s)


id like it if we got to pick what position we got when we release and get a new youth… like i mean i have 2 youth goalies… dont like it when i get a position i dont need


March 29, 2010 21:01

340 posts(s)


Depends if you want to do it realistic or not. I have coached kids aged 8-12 and you could already there see who had some potential. Nothing guaranteed but again it shows, so hiding player stats is not something I think is a good feature. The potential for every player is of course hidden but again, you should be able to get a feeling/view about a player and build yourself an opinion about his future potential.



April 01, 2010 17:45

42 posts(s)


This is a great idea!

What about also investing a special coach for youth?

Like “coaching level first team” and a “youth academy coaching level” so more you invest in it more the new youths will be good and more youths you will be able to have (with a maximum of 11)!