Agent fees on free transfers

Subscribe to Agent fees on free transfers 6 post(s), 5 voice(s)


December 11, 2009 19:38

2 posts(s)


Hi, i think it would be a good thing to insert agent fees when signing a player in free transfer… it would prevent a bit more the money making tricks.


December 16, 2009 15:22

2 posts(s)


Does anyone understood what i’m saying?


December 17, 2009 01:10

287 posts(s)


Yep, it is a good suggestion. I think someone already have suggested it.


December 18, 2009 17:28

4,300 posts(s)



I am in favor. Will get back to it when reviewing the economy.


April 12, 2010 20:02

3 posts(s)


could be a good thing if the masters insert in the game…. cauz people like felipe santos destroy the game!!!!


April 13, 2010 14:43

31 posts(s)


I want to state that I am not in favor of agent fees, at least not huge ones like managersim had. I really think better (and more realistic) solutions are in changing the way the team’s board allows a team to sign free transfers, and in how a player chooses which team to play for.