We need loan contract fee

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October 23, 2009 12:53

287 posts(s)


It already happened 2 times this season:
Someone gets my player for loan, do nothing with him than he returns. 3 turns after he get the same player and do nothing again.

I don´t want to receive money, but the other side should receive a fee and lose some money. It is too irresponsibility without punishment.

We don´t have a loan filter to avoid specific team or league, so this could happen for the third time if I put the same player to loan.


October 23, 2009 13:14

4,303 posts(s)



I was thinking about punishing managers who do that…if a manager let’s a loaned player exceed the number of matches without playing 3 times we forbid him to loan players for a given period…how does that sound?


October 23, 2009 17:30

287 posts(s)


It is a good start


October 23, 2009 17:58

609 posts(s)


i had the same problem some times, informed gabriel in ingame mail since it was mostly 1 team. A penaltiy fee sounds great.