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Player Value

Subscribe to Player Value 16 post(s), 6 voice(s)


January 28, 2009 12:18

7 posts(s)


I have a player in Fast Ticker that worths 1.7 billion!!!
He is good, but this value is a bit too much!


January 28, 2009 12:21

678 posts(s)


I just wanted to make a post about it! There is something wrong indeed. I have a player who went from 9 mill to 153 million this last tick. How is that possible?


January 28, 2009 12:25

4,300 posts(s)



This is what I call inflation! I know, it’s way unrealistic now. I’ll take a look.


January 28, 2009 13:41

678 posts(s)


I see more teams have it. This has nothing to do with inflation, this is a bug….nothing more. The value increase was instant


January 28, 2009 15:45

4,300 posts(s)



I’m sorry to inform you guys that it is inflation. I’ve just calculated the exact value using our current formula and the economy parameters from FastTicker, the players is valued at almost 7 billions. On MediumTicker the same player would be worth 11M. Some teams have extra money and pay millions for some regular players. This raises all prices as we’ve discussed when the dynamic value calculation was introduced.

We all know we still have some economy enhancements to work on. I’ve already started working on something but it will take a while until we have enough improvements in this area. If this extremely high values are a problem I can either reduce the formula parameters manually or go back to a fixed formula as we had before. A third option would be no estimated value at all.


January 28, 2009 16:05

4,300 posts(s)



Another suggestion: consider player potential when updating the formula parameters. In other words, sometimes you pay a lot of money for a 19 years old player because you believe he still has potential to grow, so you’re paying for this potential. This way some millionaire transactions would not be considered inflation by the formula ;)


January 28, 2009 16:09

678 posts(s)


Well, I don’t really care personally wether a player of mine is worth 2 billion or 2 million. If i think he is good I’m either buying him or playing him

What worries me is the next time this player wants to negociate a new contract. There was a formula for his wage demand right? It all depends on his previous wage and his current value? I can’t imagine what kind of wage a player will ask with a 2 billion value!!


January 28, 2009 16:17

4,300 posts(s)



Don’t worry, wage calculation is not related to the player value. When negotiating a new contract he will care only about his current wage and skills. This will be enhanced soon to consider other factors, but the estimated value is not one of them.


January 29, 2009 08:58

678 posts(s)


I know you are the maker and all and you say it’s because of inflation. But the jump in value comes just after the player increases 1 or 2 stats! I seen it with 4 players of mine now. After they increase suddenly there value is f*cked up!

I assume merchandise is calculated through player values right? Won’t these new values bring more money into the game?

I think its best to turn it all around and get those values at a normal level….


January 29, 2009 11:16

4,300 posts(s)



Merchandise is based on player skills, not values, so we are ok. I’ve been watching the formula parameters since this discussion began, it’s slowly returning to an acceptable level. I know it happens even after increasing 1 or 2 stats, but believe me, if you see your guy going from 1M to 50M is because his “real” calculated value would probably be more than 200M. If we need to interfere manually we will ;)


January 29, 2009 11:20

117 posts(s)


D C 23 44 87 91 80 92 90 88 80 42 $5,673 $611,042,153 $599,999,995 Transfer
Daniel Marques Sunderland MD L 23 40 86 86 73 91 97 93 80 79 $16,000 $408,999,953 $408,999,953 Transfer

whats the point when you only have 5million in the bank!


January 29, 2009 12:34

4,300 posts(s)



We had a discussion yesterday here at work to limit the estimated value to the amount of money the richest team has. We’ll probably recalculate the estimated values when things go back to normal. And I’ve just checked again, the formula parameter dropped again \o/


January 29, 2009 13:16

678 posts(s)


Well, there is something strange going on. I have a player with a value of $2,147,483,647, which is the EXACT SAME AMOUNT TO THE DOLLAR!! as the Goalkeeper from PSG in Fastticker….
Hector Sosa Silva <—-$2,147,483,647. So this indeed has nothing to do with a calculation of 1 individual players stats…..


January 29, 2009 19:31

4,300 posts(s)



It’s not a bug, $2,147,483,647 is the maximum integer value for our database columns (2^31 – 1)


January 30, 2009 14:27

9 posts(s)


sorry for my interaction, but i believe u guys have to make a different system ?

my players passes from 10M to 346M and i saw a team with players above 900M…this is not realistic, its not inflaction, cause inflaction cant be 350% its impossible, check it out…..

just to my self steam of believing im smart, :D ….. ur calculations of those 300 or something have to equal 3% of inflaction :D


January 30, 2009 17:03

651 posts(s)


Name Pos Sde Age Kpg Tac Pas Sho Spe Dri Ctr Hea Agg Sta Wage Value
Joris Lederer Player_yellow_card M L 20 35 89 83 76 93 89 91 80 54 100 $21,128 $600,315,825

here is another one for you guys, if u think, its gonna be of any help…

i dont want to add anything more… looks like everything has been discussed here…

Forums Bugs