Forums Bugs


Subscribe to friendly's 13 post(s), 5 voice(s)


January 18, 2009 18:23

71 posts(s)



For some reason i’m not able to accept some friendley’s, the accept icon is there, but when i click it nothing happens. Any ideas?


January 19, 2009 01:56

1,003 posts(s)



You had the bad luck of trying it at the same time I was performing some tests :D. Everything should be ok know, please let us know if it is not.



January 20, 2009 10:03

1 posts(s)


The same happens here, I can’t accept any friendley match I just can Refuse the match! Thanks …


January 20, 2009 11:26

1,003 posts(s)



And does that continue to happen now?


January 20, 2009 15:07

71 posts(s)



Still waiting for some offers :)


January 21, 2009 14:23

71 posts(s)



some friendley’s i’m able to accept with a formation set, some not at all, and some as long as i don’t set a formation. i was able to refuse the friendley though


January 27, 2009 22:09

33 posts(s)



I normally use the Chrome browser to access RubySoccer, but just now I used IE7 and was unable to accept the friendlies. I didn’t try refusing, or accepting without choosing the formation. Could be a coincidence that this is the first time I had a problem with it, but thought I’d flag up that it could be a browser issue with IE.

By the way, thumbs up to the changes on this page, must easier to use when it works!



January 27, 2009 23:21

4,300 posts(s)



Thanks nsg1974! Is javascript enabled on your IE7? This new version of the friendlies page is totally dependent on that. If that’s not the case we’ll have to investigate.


January 28, 2009 01:46

1,003 posts(s)



I will investigate this soon… Thanks for reporting!


January 28, 2009 13:21

33 posts(s)


Yes javascript is enabled and I’ve reproduced the problem using IE on a second computer.

If you accept the friendly without choosing a formation then the changes are accepted as normal.

If you change the formation it does nothing when you click the green tick (no bouncy ball) and refreshing the page shows that it is still listed as an unaccepted friendly. Once you have tried to select a formation selecting blank again (no formation) also does not work. After trying this, refreshing the page and accepting without choosing a formation works fine.

The problem only seems to occur once you try and use the drop down list to choose a formation. A workaround for IE users is just to accept the friendly without choosing the formation, then change it on the fixtures screen as before.


January 28, 2009 15:03

1,003 posts(s)



nsg, thanks a lot for the rich description of the problem. Now I know exactly what is happening and will for sure take much less time to solve it!


January 29, 2009 02:12

1,003 posts(s)



I don’t have IE6 here to test but it should be fixed now :D. It works on IE7. Please let me know!


February 13, 2009 13:32

33 posts(s)


Sorry, took a while before anyone offered any friendlies! I can also confirm the problem is fixed for IE7.

Forums Bugs