Is it only possible to have one ongoing negotiation at the same time?
I offered a contract to one player, kept searching and all i get whenever i press on another player’s “transfer” link is that player’s profile.
Doesn’t the player profile had a link for you to buy him? Could you make an offer this way at least?
No, it sent me to the player’s profile as if i was watching any non-listed player, just his stats, team, wages, etc.
Weird, if that is still happening let me know which player you’re talking about so I can take a look.
Right now i have a bid made on Monti from Livorno. Any other listed player that i click gets that same result.
I have the same problem.. made a bid to a player and can’t made any more bid… :(
does the negociations screen work?
i wasnt able to click on free transfers or contracts etc
that will only be populated if you have a current negotiation.