In the last game of my team Paraná,(Fast TIcker) I’ve not listed Paolo Rosi for playing against Palmeiras because since I bought him, he’s growing up his stamina. Examining the report of the game, hi was listed and I don’t know why? There was no red card to any of my players, so how can he be listed automaticaly?
And there is no possible strategy for making this hapen.
Please, could someone tell me if its a bug?
we will investigate and get back to you.
Is it possible you had a suspended player that was automatically replaced by Paolo Rosi?
No Gabriel,
There where no suspended player in that game. Not ijuried too.
That’s why I’m reporting you this possible bug.
Ok, sounds like a bug then :-(
This happen again against Nautico in the last league match. And with the same player. I’m preparing him to Sudamericana Cup, but if he continue playing without listed I’wont be able to start nothing in equality with others teams.
I’ve been wronged with this situation in league too.
Could someone help me?
After investigating your last match against Nautico I saw that Adao Branco and Germano Medeiros were suspended for that match, so Paolo Rosi and Fausto Ruiz Del Mora replaced them. Everything looks fine. Please let us know if you notice anything different.
So the bugs is that this where not showned previously on that match. Becasue I always look in the Team Setup to prepare the players. And this happens twice since I report you this.
Thanks for explanation but please, check if this could be happening.
We’ll definitely check Stramazi. When you look at the cards icons in the players skills screen or in the formations screen keep in mind that they refer to your next match, so if your next match is a friendly for instance you won’t see any card icon. To check the cards for specific competitions go to your players screen and click in the Cards option.
I Know about it Gabriel.
But let it be.
We’ll let you know if we find anything strange. Don’t get me wrong for explaining about the cards, I did that cause I know we are missing some help screens and making the game rules and behaviour clear is always good. :-)
Thanks Gabriel,
I’m trying to report some wrong things that I’ve been noticed in my team. I’m trying hard to improve my team too, buyng expensive attackers, playing a lot of friendly to grow up some atributes and anything tha looks like strange I’ll report to be shure.