Forums Bugs

Offer Contract

Subscribe to Offer Contract 5 post(s), 4 voice(s)


May 23, 2019 12:09

236 posts(s)


I offered a contract a little higher than what was expected, for the length of time requested.

The player cancelled negotiations as it was too low.

Well, jeez. I feel like an idiot for offering what I was advised to offer.

WTF? And now I’ve lost the guy. For no good reason at all. A broken mechanic.


May 23, 2019 13:18

4,303 posts(s)



That probably means your negotiations investment level is low. I’ve seen that happen to people every now and then and personally I feel it is not that bad in general, but it doesn’t mean I’m right!

I could potentially increase the accuracy of the suggested wage overall, so that lower levels had a higher chance of getting it right…or maybe I could change the whole mechanic so that instead of showing a bad suggestion you would get no suggestion at all, would this be better or worse?


May 23, 2019 17:45

639 posts(s)



What did you offer, what was the old wage and how old is the player?


May 25, 2019 06:43

296 posts(s)


This game has to have negatives in it, we cant keep making everything easier. Ive lost a few players before by trying to be cheap lol, stick him on the transfer list.


May 30, 2019 10:10

236 posts(s)


Negotiations investment was 8. It is now 10. Sure could’ve used that guy last game.

Forums Bugs