Forums Bugs


Subscribe to Substitutions 7 post(s), 3 voice(s)


November 26, 2018 01:09

236 posts(s)


Previously I’ve asked about substitutions, and was told they happen when scheduled.

I’ve noticed that has changed.

Some subs occur a few minutes late, which is a problem. Some of my players have now played under 35 minutes and thus get no bonus for the game.

Is this a thing?


November 26, 2018 01:35

4,303 posts(s)



Substitutions should happen at the requested time if the criteria is met. If the criteria is met after the requested time the sub will happen then. Example:

After the minute 55 if I’m ahead replace A by B.

If at minute 55 you are ahead, sub happens. If you were not ahead at 55 but then gets ahead on minute 80 then sub happens. Of course that is assuming you haven’t exceeded your 3 subs in any scenario.


November 28, 2018 05:59

236 posts(s)


Yes, I understand exactly what you are saying. However, what I am saying is:

In any match, after minute 45, replace the player on zone D, side RC and mentality 1 by “player x”

and in the match:

46 min: “player x” (h) replaces “player y” (h)

I have seen variants of up to 3 minutes difference. Therefore, the substitutions I made at 55min have occurred at 58 min mark.

This is not consistent, but its enough that some of my players have missed receiving the benefits of playing a match.


November 28, 2018 07:52

296 posts(s)


This is surely realistic? You want the sub at that time but there is not a break in play at that time so it’s done a few minutes later. Move your sub time 5 minutes forward.


November 28, 2018 11:17

4,303 posts(s)



Even though Joseppi’s comments make sense I still feel something may not be working as intended. If you have a specific match where this has happened recently please let me know so I can check the match replay and commentary.


December 03, 2018 08:09

236 posts(s)
The substitution rule was Wuttke to sub in at half time at 45min mark.


December 03, 2018 10:52

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for the links above, at least now I have a pretty good idea where to look for the bug!

Forums Bugs