Forums Bugs

player left club

Subscribe to player left club 9 post(s), 3 voice(s)


July 20, 2015 20:09

828 posts(s)


why would a player leave club when offered everything he wanted ? i gave an offer higher than he wanted… and he leaves…

cool so now i get fucked over

cool there goes my last fuck to give….if i dont get this player back….


July 20, 2015 22:51

639 posts(s)



You accidently clicked the wrong button?


July 20, 2015 23:48

828 posts(s)


no i didnt… left him with a better contract offer… then signed back on to see he left club….


July 21, 2015 03:39

828 posts(s)

so much for a timely fix there gabriel……
now that dimitri poached the player that bugged. ( he would do such a thing….)


put this player back in my team gabriel…. fix it


July 21, 2015 07:34

639 posts(s)



Just for the record, I had already bid on the player before reading this thread (and didn’t get him), so I think this message is inappropiate:

From: Marc Davison
Subject: …



July 21, 2015 08:11

828 posts(s)


bullshit no you didnt you posted a bid immediately 9 hours ago when you replyed to this thread…. so again FUCK YOU


July 21, 2015 23:26

4,285 posts(s)



No need to get all pissed about losing a player Davison, and enough of offending other people. I doubt there is a bug there, nobody ever reported something like this and I’ve been playing the game myself and never seen this happen before. One thing is being passionate about the game, another is being rude to people for no reason.


July 22, 2015 02:01

828 posts(s)


because i point out a bug …yes i will get angry that someone exploits my post about the player bug and now is getting MY player because i posted in the forums about the bug……

no wonder this game is dead cant report a bug with out being called a liar… cool…


July 22, 2015 05:14

4,285 posts(s)



Nobody called you a liar, you’ve been questioned about what happened, anyone can make mistakes. I’ll include in our list of features a task to add more traceability to contract offers and the like, but at this point there is no way to know it is a bug.

Forums Bugs