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Stamina Issues

Subscribe to Stamina Issues 41 post(s), 12 voice(s)


September 30, 2007 07:15

38 posts(s)


Danilo, I don’t agree with the fact that players lose 4 stamina points per game played only to gain 2 points during ticks where they don’t play. It used to be equal stamina points lost/gained per tick or game played in ManagerSim and I think this is what was/is the most logical. I mean yes its normal to have players who play more often (Division & National Cup) have lower stamina but it just doesn’t make sense to have the need to actually use full squad rotation during the season.

This isn’t realistic in the sense that in real life, most teams always keep the same core players on the pitch with a few exceptions for injuries & etc…

I would urge you to equalize to 2 stamina points lost per game & 2 points gained per tick not played.


September 30, 2007 08:04

75 posts(s)


I really don’t see any problems in the " stamina system "… Talking about stamina, there’s a player of mine Benedito Gusmão which his stamina is fixed in 55, could u take a look at that Danilo?



September 30, 2007 09:36

75 posts(s)


No bug with the player, stamina went to 57 last tick


September 30, 2007 11:42

1,003 posts(s)



I honestly dont know if this will improve gameplay… Have to think about it, and will discuss. In the meanwhile, other managers are welcome to show their opinion.


October 01, 2007 00:01

123 posts(s)


Well, if one player just play a game per week, the stamina, before the game, must be 100%, in normal conditions.
Its normal, i think.
Just my opinion


October 01, 2007 08:39

47 posts(s)


I think its fair that a player plays on turn 51 and loses 4 stamina points.
He doesnt play for turns 52 and 53 and gains 4 stamina points (2 points per tick).

That seems fair, if you want to win cups you will need a bigger squad to rotate.

Although Danilo, the stamina issue will stop friendlies being played as players will just be too tired.


October 01, 2007 08:53

123 posts(s)


The friendlys will afect the stamina.
What you want? Dont affect? No way


October 01, 2007 08:56

75 posts(s)


maybe it could affect less, like 3, don’t know… cause friendlies usually the teams don’t play 100%


October 01, 2007 11:26

4,290 posts(s)



Friendlies affecting less stamina would make sense. I never use the same players on friendlies and oficial matches, but hey my team is playing only league matches :-P


October 01, 2007 15:23

47 posts(s)


Manuel. No, freindlys should affect stamina.

I meant that if this stamina problem stays, nobody will play friendlies.
Gabriel / Danilo, maybe a match could take only 3 stamina points. You could always change it back.


October 02, 2007 05:06

38 posts(s)


I think 3 points is better than 4. I mean at least in the long-term, you know your players would be able to recover…


October 02, 2007 23:56

124 posts(s)


I think friendlies affecting stamina less would make sense. But I am not sure if I want to see more changes than that.

After all, a good manager can (and will) rotate his/her squad if needed and won´t play the friendlies with the same players that play the “real” matches. Buying a few very cheap players to complete the “youth team” or “reserves”, well, anyone can do that if there is will to play friendlies.

And I don´t want to make playing the game too easy because I don´t think it would be as much fun if it became too easy. I don´t know who wants to play a manager game that is too easy…


I still don´t know how the coaches will affect all this. Will they have a chance to train the players with higher and lower intensity? Maybe the system needs to be reviewed once more when coaches are implemented.

And maybe it also would make sense if the players age affected the speed of recovery as youth players usually can take a lot more “punishment” than older quys. Maybe players under 20y could recover faster than normal, then players between 20 and 28 would recover at a normal speed and then players older than 28 would recover slightly slower than the normal rate…

I don´t know… Too many possibilities. I believe Danilo and Gabriel will make the right decisions and I´ll love the game anyway. :-)


October 27, 2007 16:07

124 posts(s)



I may have to take some of my words back. I´ve done a pretty good job with rotating my squad and have not played friendlies with my first team players. Now that I have made it to the National cup final I find myself having low staminas. Playing a lot of cup matches have quite a big affect on this.

I can live with this but started to think what happens when some kind of UEFA-competition is added.

So I change my opinion. Maybe 3 points lost per game is good.

The others still want it to be 3 points?


October 27, 2007 16:55

223 posts(s)


yes. i think 3 points is better…


October 28, 2007 13:10

4,290 posts(s)



3 sounds ok to me but I just want to let everybody know that international competitions and national cups won’t be played simultaneously. While the national cups happen early in the season the international cups will start in the middle of the season.


October 28, 2007 13:15

130 posts(s)


3 points sounds better. I started playing with my youths on the cup so i wouldn’t get affected in the championship… with another competition i’d need 3 starting 11s + 3 or 4 subs, meaning almost a 40 player squad.


November 22, 2007 13:27

130 posts(s)


What about gaining one extra stamina point for each tick where a player didn’t play?
2 in the tick after the match, 3 on the next, 4 on the other, and so on and so on?

I have my first team resting for almost 2 weeks and they went from 80 to 90… any squad would be more than ready to play after resting for 2 weeks.


November 22, 2007 16:12

4,290 posts(s)



Your solution is interesting Ricardo, even though it would be harder to implement. We’ll discuss that.


November 23, 2007 07:06

53 posts(s)


Sorry Gabriel, I really don’t like to making false denunciations but I have a prove to tell you that something very wrong is happening in Brasilians first division league. How can “Cruzeiro” in fastticker keep stamina 97 with “Dimas Teles” player that just have played the very last turn? Don’t you sayd that players lost 4 staminas points per game? Not to be that he were with 101 stamina!!! I think that is impossible.
Please, just take a look at the Cruzeiro players squad and his last report game, this player were there!!! (I took a printscreen).
I Don’t want to think that I’m losting my time playing this game, I just want to have fun like other players here and I monitoring Cruzeiro for a long time and repering that with other players too. This manager is the first ranked in Medium ticker too. Something wrong.
All of this is only to improve the game and make the really best player won the championships.


November 23, 2007 07:19

4,290 posts(s)



That’s a bug Stramazi, not sure the reason yet. I’ve already seen my own players with 97 stamina after playing a match. Now that we’ll make some changes to this part of the game we’ll have the chance to investigate that problem. Thanks for reporting.


November 23, 2007 09:26

1,003 posts(s)



Nope, not a bug. Interruptions on the match (fouls, for example) are stamina bonus generators. The bonus is very small, but it exists. That is what happened in this case.

Stramazi, thanks very much for the concern and we encourage everyone to keep an eye on the game behaviors – that would help us a lot on the bug fixing. But, on the other hand, relax. There will be no cheating in this game that will not relate to an undiscovered bug.

Also, guys, please remember that we are doing our best. Unfortunately sometimes we have severe time constraints, since this game for now is not even paying our monthly server costs – and that means we still need to work :) . But that does not mean we will not address the reported problems (or enhance the game)!

cheers and regards!


November 23, 2007 09:55

123 posts(s)


About the stamina………………….bad, but…………
I won the cup (fast ticker) and i loosed games for the league, using my second squad, to keep the stamina for the cup!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a choice, when i saw that i could took that chance
So, after that, if the same for all, i think that its ok (keeping the things like this)
Gabriel, Danilo, dont change that please, because that is a good issue for the game..
Point 1, point 2,,,etc,etc………………
No, any manager have that, and can do it from themselves
Point 1 – dont play friends
Point 2 – choose the competion that they want to win
Point 3 – Have a BIG squad for all that (rotation)
STAMINE – the same for all – The managers choose want they want, and to deal with that
I kown what many want…a BIG small squad, to play all the tittles, without caring about the stamina
That its not real
Dont change, this is a game, we all learn how to play it……….
Its my opinion


November 23, 2007 10:07

123 posts(s)


If you change that (stamina) in this season, not fair
But i agree that when the season start, the stamina will be 100 for all
Just because the game dont have wolrd cup, european cup, sooooo…you understand


November 23, 2007 11:58

18 posts(s)


I believe that you must keep stamina issue on the game, but there are several factors that has influence on the evolution…i give an example : if you choose on tackle intesity “hard”, should the the players loose the same points of stamina, when compared with another team that chooses normal or easy intensity for this point?

This subject has not a simple or direct soluton…


PS : i’m also having troubles with stamina :)


November 23, 2007 12:19

123 posts(s)


Still the manager that control that, playing hard, or normal way (rotate, or not)
If this issue continuous, we will learn how to deal with that.
So, no problems, because we all have problems with that
And, that is fair


November 23, 2007 17:34

130 posts(s)


Gabriel, if it really is hard to implement then put it on hold. I have absolutely no idea how it is done, i thought it would be something simple like having a “Y/N” boolean, where a player could get a Y every time he played and a N every time he didn’t. If on Y the stamina deduction variable would have the value of 2, and when on N it would add 1 to that variable, starting the process all over again when the boolean got back to Y.
But like i said, i have no idea if this makes any sense in Ruby language.


November 24, 2007 03:43

18 posts(s)


Manuel Rocha, cala-te, lá tiveste o ranço de ganhar qualquer coisita e andas aqui a bater-te como se fosses o maior treinador do mundo…

Toda a gente está a ter problemas com isto, até tu reconheces que tiveste que optar, vais dizer-me que as grandes equipas não lutam pelas provas todas? E por acaso têm planteis de 30 ou 40 jogadores?

Antes de dizeres parvoices, pensa no que dizes…

Haja pachorra


November 24, 2007 04:48

4,290 posts(s)



Calm down guys, please don’t start a fight here.


November 24, 2007 05:38

123 posts(s)


Mr Artur, if you didnt cheat yet, no problems, but you will..
What i want to mean, is………………you are a Cheater
Just cheaters complain to much with this issue (stamina)
And be calm, quite…who are you?
In this way…….you dont go there (cheating and be the best)
You made a big mistake
See you (all the times, that i have time for that)


November 24, 2007 06:00

123 posts(s)


your name is very familiar for me, dont know how long, but for sure, not for honest things
I will follow your carrier, if i have time
BECAUSE, all this accounts are individuals?
No, have many guys that have more than one account
And, for what i remember about your name, impossible to say that you just have this account
About the cup (fast ticker) loosed many games because that, and now, doing the same in medium ticker
Quem nao tem pachorra para tipos como tu, sou eu

Forums Bugs