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Partial dimensions reset - poll

Subscribe to Partial dimensions reset - poll 47 post(s), 28 voice(s)


January 07, 2009 16:10

4,303 posts(s)



Hello guys!

After the considerable amount of changes in the player evolution system we’ve been thinking about a partial reset. It will take too long for the new system make a difference, as there are lots of young stars from the old system. Besides that, economy is becoming too unbalanced and the amount of money available is growing too fast, we have some new rules planned for wages, cpu teams transfers and could do some improvement on merchandise and sponsorship earnings before the reset.

You may be asking yourselves, why “partial” reset? Well, not everything will be reset. We’ll keep:
-managers and teams history, including titles
-teams will stay in whatever division they are
-managers will stay with their teams
-season counting
-did I forget anything?

We’ll reset:
-managers ranking (maybe)
-teams money (all the same)
-stadiums (all the same)
-departments (0 for all)
-country ranking (all the same, 70 average youths)
-players (all teams will get 2 keepers, 6 defenders, 6 midfielders, 4 attackers and 6 youths, everybody with 16 years old as they were all new youths)
-board opinion (50% for all)
-did I forget anything?

For now it’s just a suggestion that we feel would be healthy for the game. As a bonus we could add a few more countries and/or divisions. It’s time for a next step. What do you think? ;)



January 07, 2009 16:21

11 posts(s)



Totally agree!!


January 07, 2009 20:13

12 posts(s)


Why not a total reset?


January 07, 2009 22:01

803 posts(s)


I agree with all except all players starting with 16 years old… wouldn’t that prejudice the transfer market as the managers would prefer to develop all their players first?

The most important is that I can keep with Benfica… By the way, we win today :D :D :D



January 07, 2009 23:20

9 posts(s)


I agree


January 08, 2009 09:27

4,303 posts(s)



Total reset: I guess it would be harder to convince everybody, but it would be easier than a partial reset. If more people prefer a total reset please let us know in your reply here.
16 years old players: it would be a bad thing for the market in the beginning, but I think we’d be ok. There is not a good formula to generate partially developed players in the new system. We could come up with a way to do that, of course, but we’re not willing to if it’s not worth.

C’mon, who else? :)


January 08, 2009 10:21

803 posts(s)


I just like the partial reset because I can keep Benfica :p but if you want to do the total reset fine, I’ll just have to wait for my chance there.

More countries would be great for international competitions and country ranking, do you guys consider national teams? I know you were septic about this but it would be a good oportunity to try it…

Also, when are you planning to do the reset?



January 08, 2009 10:31

637 posts(s)


I agree with a reset.
How will the system choose new managers when there would come a total reset? random or based on the old manager ranking?
Gabriel, you talked about adding new countries. Does this also mean that there will be a CL with groupestages or is this to early.


January 08, 2009 10:53

4,303 posts(s)



We’ll probably add national teams in the future, it’s worth trying. If everything goes as planned the reset would be on season 21 start (FastTicker) which would be season 11 start on MediumTicker. Otherwise it would be postponed to seasons 23 and 12 respectively. If it’s a total reset we could do that as soon as we are ready.

If we do a total reset it would be easier to keep the manager ranking for team selection purpose, even though random is more fair in my opinion. We won’t have enough teams for CL with group stages yet, but with or without more countries we are planning to add group stages anyway.


January 08, 2009 11:30

387 posts(s)


I would agree on a partial reset. Just because there are too many young super-naturals, and no one wants to wait ~12 seasons till they’re out.
But before a reset is done, some issues should be fixed. Otherwise the moaning about “balance” in the game starts in 10 seasons again …

for now i just want to point out some thoughts on the finance sector:
What are the biggest complainings here? Some team have too much money? How is this, my team in fast ticker is one of the best and should be the top level for income, right? With all incomes per year, minus the player wages (low for me) and departments, i make a surplus of ~25M a year. That’s not too much, it’s just enough you need for buying a good but not world class player.

So some teams have much money, but i suppose mainly because they are good sales men. And this wont be changed by a reset.

If there is too much money in game in general, why is that so? Do get the cpu-teams too much or the minor teams or anything else? If not be solved before a reset, the situation in the game will be in season 15 the same, again. And there will be the complainings again: the next reset?

Ruby is still in a test modus, but anyway those managers who stick with teams for long time, are not keen on losing them just for foreseeable scenarios of the game.


January 08, 2009 12:41

25 posts(s)


I vote for a partial reset.

Some managers have been around for ages and got a huge benefit from that, and alot have come later having a hard time to catch up. I dont have anything to complain about so its not for personal benefits i would have loved to win the title for Hertha Berlin fair and square some day :)

Some drastic changes have been made so a partial reset sounds perfect in my opinion.

But it wont take genius to figure out that in 10-20 seasons the game will be “unbalanced” again if you of course dont make the game boring and making it impossible to get your players to improve :)


January 08, 2009 13:49

4,303 posts(s)



@Philipp: the total money available in the game is growing too fast. I agree it should increase but in my opinion we need to adjust player wages, sponsorship and merchandise income. We’ll end up with a few rich teams again but hopefully in a more reasonable manner. We won’t reset every time the game become unbalanced, only if it happens because drastic changes were made :)

@jakobK: you guys please make sure we don’t make the game boring ;)


January 08, 2009 14:47

678 posts(s)


I don’t want a reset tbh. I’m just getting a nice team…and all my hard work will be lost? That’s not something I’m looking forward to AT ALL…..

What was the point in playing then if it was all for nothing?


January 08, 2009 15:35

387 posts(s)


hi again. i reconsidered my thoughts and those of some others and like to make a 2nd post.

to be honest, the more i think about a reset the less i’m convinced of its necessity.

what are the merits of it?
if there too much money, take some out it, 50% of each club capital. and adjust the income sources & wages.

if there are too many 95+ players, below 22yro, reduce all players skills 10points (they would be still interesting to be transfered). in ~ 6-7 seasons the new generated youths can compete with the rest and then grow even further.

Even if there are many great 95+ young players, they are not in 3-4 teams they are spread out. And teams with lower main skilled players have their chances with better tactics and the usage of well balanced player (e.g. benfica, brest in FT).

there are no stadium that is already too big. and it’s all build correctly in long terms, not just the last 3 seasons. just the stadiums from cpu teams should be reduced, because they were increased immense just to spend the surplus.

… What do you think?


January 08, 2009 16:10

637 posts(s)


I like Philipp’s idea. Then all the work of making a good team is not a waste of time. The reduce of player skills with 10 points is a good suggestion. Then tactics become more important.

Perhaps you can only reset the country ranking when there are new countries added. This will make the international competition more honest.


January 08, 2009 18:28

25 posts(s)


I also agree with Philipp, maybe, current players under 25 years old could have their skills reduced by X in order to experiment with the new development system.


January 08, 2009 18:54

42 posts(s)



Partial or full, fine for me. But do something :)
Played against a team with ten almost all the game… lost 6-0. Something is odd or unbalanced for me, at least not “realistic”. I played with the 3-4-3 team

3-4-3 formation 4-4-2
54% possession 46%
21 shots 11
20 shots on target 11
57% accurrate passes 56%
85% effective tackles 63%


January 08, 2009 19:04

678 posts(s)


This idea is more in line with what I think. Basicully reduce the money from the teams, but don’t just reset teams. I don’t want to lose any of my players.

How about just adjusting the superstars? I personally don’t see the point of a new youth system if only after 2 weeks you are considering a partial reset. The youth system will take time. Just fix the “glitch” of the old superstars. Just remove soms stats and let them grow with the new youth system. Just find any players with 95+ main stats who are like 21-22 years old.


January 08, 2009 19:32

102 posts(s)


I must admit I would find a game reset catastrophic! This is a game of patience. It takes time to find and nurture good players, and a game reset, total aswell as partial, would ruin lots of hard work for a lot of players. I understand the need to adjust the financial part of the game, but this could and should be done with less drastic measures.


January 08, 2009 21:27

803 posts(s)


I also don’t like the idea of losing all the work I had with my team, but we knew this would eventually happen…
I believe the main problem is that some manager starting to play now would have a great disadvantage for us because of the new development system. For example, someone who pick a portuguese 2nd division team now would have much more difficulties to develop players than any of us had some seasons ago. Player development is much slower so they would take many seasons to have a team that can compete with the actual best teams. This don’t attract new managers which is bad for the game…

Gabriel have you consider creating another dimension? That would probably make everybody happy :D



January 08, 2009 22:48

4,303 posts(s)



Yes I have Filipe, but I don’t want to spread our managers even more. Anyway, the ideas for no resetting are also interesting and could have a similar effect. Let’s keep the discussion going, it’s very interesting :)



January 08, 2009 23:29

4 posts(s)


I Agree!!!


January 09, 2009 05:18

102 posts(s)


A couple of notes on the side. The new development system makes it much more attractive for managers to loan out good players in order for them to grow. This makes it much easier for new managers to loan players with 85+ in primary skill than before.

I believe that a game reset now would bring insecurity to the game. Since the game is still developing (which is fantastic!) it is likely that there will be lots of future changes of gameplay. I can’t but wonder when the next game reset will occur…


January 09, 2009 15:23

11 posts(s)



And what about reseting only the players? (with a new financial system)

Keep stadium, departments and board % the way it is now.

This way all of the effort spent on building a nice club won’t be lost and the today’s best clubs will continue to develop players faster than the others, but with the new system for all players.

I think that if everybody decides not to reset, nothing should be done with the players. Just removing -X is not a good approach imho. Let’s just wait for the game to be balanced by itself. (10 ~ 12 seasons is about 8 ~ 10 months in real life – fast ticker)


January 09, 2009 22:15

4,303 posts(s)



Right now I don’t feel like resetting after reading what we have so far. Reducing the players skills is an option, but it’s not that fair. I think we can wait a little longer before deciding what to do, if anything ;)


January 09, 2009 22:26

25 posts(s)


After giving ths alot of consideration i think a reset now is useless, my suggestion is finish the game, build the countries you want to include, make CL, UEFA cup etc. fully working. Test your new player development system and when you feel you have a “complete” product reconsider a reset. Doing it now wont make any difference, this game is still a beta in many ways.


January 10, 2009 01:37

8 posts(s)



Bom, primeiramente ñ concordo nem um pouco com o reset do jogo.

Os motivos são pq a diferença entre o fastticker e o mediuticker é muito grande, por exemplo, se vc olhar hj as listas de transferência vc vai ver a diferença, enquanto no fastticker as listas tem muitos jogadores excelentes a venda, no mediumticker hj ñ tem nenhum ótimo jogador quanto mais ter um excelente igual aos do fastticker, no fastticker chega a ter jogadores com o atributo principal no 100 sendo vendidos, enquanto no mediumticker vc chega a contar nos dedos os que tem o atributo principal no 100 quanto mais ver estes jogadores sendo vendidos.

Faz um tempo que eu cheguei a questionar sobre a diferença entre o médium e o fastticker, na ocasião vcs chegaram a falar que no médium o pessoal ñ chegava a evoluir os jogadores até o seu Maximo, eu cheguei a pegar vários jogadores no free transfer e fui evoluindo vários jogadores, cheguei a ganhar uma boa grana com estes jogadores q fui pegando evoluindo e vendendo, mas isso ñ chegou a durar 3 temporadas este teste, percebi q nenhum dos jogadores que eu peguei chegou a ser um excelente jogador, alguns viraram bons jogadores, mas excelente nenhum, e nem chegaram perto de qualquer atributo chegar no 100.

O mediumticker já é mais sem graça de jogar do q o fastticker, dando um reset então ai q o pessoal ñ vai querer jogar muito no médium, o mediumticker corre com 50% a menos da velocidade q corre o fast, mas o médium ñ chega nem perto de ser 50% o q o fast é hj.

Sei q to chorando muito as pitangas entre as dimensões, mas é q no médium já é difícil aparecer jogadores ótimos quanto mais comprar jogadores de um nível de qualidade ótimo, depois da implementação dos pontos de experiência já vai demorar mais pra um jogador se tornar excelente e se der o reset ai q vai ficar impossível de conseguir algum.

Outro motivo é achar q eu tenho q pagar o pato pelos jogadores q ñ ligam muito pro jogo, tipo, tem jogadores q olham as listas de transferência de vez em nunca, eu olho praticamente todos os dias, foram raras as vezes q ñ cheguei a olhar e analisar vários jogadores pra ver se vale a pena pegar ou ñ pro meu time, até quando viajo eu chego a ir em alguma lan house da cidade pra ver o ruby..:P… vicio é foda… hehe… daí é um pouco desanimador saber que muito do que fiz pelo time vai ser perdido.

Entendo que vcs querem equiparar um pouco mais os times pra ñ ficar uma diferença discrepante entre um time e outro, mas mesmo com o reset vejo q com o tempo isso vai se repetir, pq eu continuarei olhando e procurando jogadores com a mesma intensidade que procuro hj, e o técnico q nunca olha a lista de transferência continuara olhando a lista de vez em nunca, por isso acredito q esta ñ seja a solução mais viável pra equiparar as equipes, principalmente no mediumticker.

Espero ter ajudado, ñ posto em inglês pq meu inglês é realmente ruim, mas se acharem q é interessante traduzir e puder fazer isto por mim eu agradeço desde já.



January 10, 2009 10:14

678 posts(s)


thank god! You almost made me consider quiting :(. If I lose all my hard work….that would have taken the fun out of the game. Basicully what I read above Ruby is just like managersim, a waiting game. Things take time. Give the new youth system a chance and look at the core of the problem. Young superstars right? I don’t think you need to discuss the fact that the rich get richer since that will always be the case. There will always be some managers who have a better idea of the game then others and just perform better. The better you perform, the better you will get (player wise and money wise). This was the same with Managersim. There were most of the time the same 4-8 clubs in the 2nd round and quaterfinals of the CL.

What I ment about handling the core problem is, maybe you could have a look at your youth generation system of whatever you call it :). The youths just grow to something awesome to much. I recall managersim having players who had a value of 40 mill. But those were like 1 or 2 in the entire game. So the game only had like a maximum of (and correct me if I’m wrong) 10 superstars max in the entire game world. Those were always spread around multiple clubs so didn’t really matter. I recall I had 1 of those superstars….the kind that scores an avarage of 2 goals per game. I think I paid 160 mill for that player, but he was worth every penny :). Some other ex-managersim in eurotest managers might recall a player called “Machado” who was playing with Man U. He was a goal scoring machine and was bought for 200 mill by the manager from man u (Luc Blomme). But thats it. They were not “a dime a douzen”….they were exceptional and very hard to find.

Anyway…..I’m losing my point here :). My point being is….it’s ok to have superstars, but they should be rare. There is only 1 Messi or 1 Kaka and only 1 Ronaldo……there isn’t 50+. Fix the core problem and I’m sure the game will balance itself out by 10 seasons….


January 12, 2009 01:13

1 posts(s)



Não aprovo a ideia do reset. Podem falar o que for, mas se existe diferença entre times é por incompetencia dos técnicos.
Digo isso pq eu entrei no ruby soccer na segunda temporada do mediumticker, pegando o último time da segunda divisão da frança, que naquela ocasião estava entre os últimos paises do ranking, consegui ser campeão da segunda divisão, já fui vice-campeão da primeira divisão duas vezes e cheguei a uma final da CL.
Não quero dizer que sou bom ou coisa do tipo, mas que me esforcei e consegui levantar um time que era péssimo.
Resumindo, não concordo com o reset e provavelmente se isso acontecer sairei do jogo.


January 12, 2009 09:52

10 posts(s)



Hello everyone.
To be honest I don’t know what to think… The only thing I do know is that something should be done.
Here are some thoughts, perhaps, no too organized.
At first, I thought the partial reset was obviously(!) the best choice. In my opinion, it doesn’t make any sense, to simply decrease the abilities of some players! It would be a much “cleaner” solution to simply restart the game, or creating another dimension (Gabriel alerted for the risks, but this was probably the most sensible option).
But on the other hand, resets are bad for the game. I remember the last time a reset was done, and the first seasons after were pretty boring… I’m pretty sure that a reset has to be done (sooner or later), but I think it should be done perhaps only once more, when big changes happen!
In conclusion, I don’t agree with any of the solutions proposed (“partial reset” or “ability rescaling”) and I think something should be done. Not much help :-).
Sorry guys.
PS- Guys, whatch for the posts in portuguese; not everyone reads Portuguese…

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