These are the guys who spent some of their free time to help us improve Goal FC
- Alexander Nygård - Clubs and competitions data from Denmark
- Andrew Andreev - Russian translation
- Bruno Costa - Brazilian player names
- Denis Rodrigo de Paula - South American teams data
- Dimitri Reinderman - Improved Dutch names lists
- Fernando França - For helping us with the old version of the front-end
- Filipe Silva / Rui Reis - Portugal's Portuguese translation
- Gustavo Nery - Clubs and competitions data from Chile
- Javier Palacian - Spanish translation and player names
- Marc Fourmeaux - Clubs and competitions data from Greece, Sweden and Switzerland
- Munir Júnior - New Goal FC logo
- Nelson Ares - Player shirts icons
- Nicky Broos - Countries list page design and images
- Peter Strand - European teams, leagues, cups and player names data from ManagerSim
- Philipp Leibeck - German translation and player names
- Simon Medina - Clubs and competitions data from Mexico
- Will Cornell - Clubs and competitions data from more than 20 European countries
We would also like to thank everyone in our growing user community who have been reporting bugs, giving suggestions or just having fun!