Negociar com clubes

Subscribe to Negociar com clubes 5 post(s), 5 voice(s)


March 30, 2009 16:21

11 posts(s)



Como eu posso negociar direto com um clube especifico ?? Trocar, vender e ate pegar diferença de valores no caso da troca, Ja existe essa opçao ?? Caso nao, pensa em criar ??



March 30, 2009 16:23

1,003 posts(s)



Por enquanto só dá para negociar com jogadores “anunciados”. É complicado dizer que teremo essa funcionalidade, pq ela é polêmica e abre muito espaço para cheaters. Mas veremos, no futuro.


March 30, 2009 18:12

651 posts(s)


Google Translation of the above conversation
How can I negotiate directly with a specific club? Swap, sell and pick up different values for the exchange, there is already such an option? If not, consider creating?

For now you can only negotiate with players “announced.” It is difficult to say that having this feature, Why it is very controversial and open space for cheaters. But we will see in the future.


March 30, 2009 21:49

4,285 posts(s)



Thanks Parag, Google’s translation is pretty accurate :D


March 30, 2009 22:02

609 posts(s)


wasn’t there a topic like this already? can’t find it this quick, but there were some suggestions and disadvantages in there.