Upgrade coach level?

Subscribe to Upgrade coach level? 4 post(s), 3 voice(s)


April 27, 2011 05:53

5 posts(s)



have a question, why cant i upgrade the coach level, im right now lvl 5, but have no upgrade arrow available? Any ideas?

Mikael, my team Betis in La Liga!


April 27, 2011 06:32

637 posts(s)


Welcome in rubysoccer! Enjoy!

Probably your financial situation isn’t comfortable enough to do the upgrade. You can pay the upgrade costs now, but on the long term you would have problems with the maintenance costs.


April 27, 2011 10:11

5 posts(s)



but i cant even choose the upgrade part? Only downgrade are available?

Is this because of my financial situation?


April 27, 2011 21:27

639 posts(s)



Very likely yes.