
Subscribe to Logic 8 post(s), 4 voice(s)


October 14, 2009 22:23

1 posts(s)


This game makes no sense, it’s so random it’s ridiculous. I’ve brought in around ten new players all worth over £1 Million yet I lost 0-4 to Preston at home despite them only having three half-decent players. WFT ????


October 14, 2009 22:51

4,303 posts(s)



I assure it’s not random, otherwise we wouldn’t have some managers winning titles in a row in some countries ;)
But don’t worry, a new match engine is on its way, with more realistic behaviour and results!


October 14, 2009 23:32

120 posts(s)



i got this from the game masters…..
From: Game Masters
Subject: Transaction Rolled Back

The last transfer involving player Federico Migliorini was rolled back by the game masters.
can you tell me why, i fire some players to get him…..


October 15, 2009 10:50

4,303 posts(s)



Of course I can. The manager who sold the player joined the game and made two ridiculous transactions right away: sold his best defender to you and bought a ridiculous midfielder from another team. Both transactions were rolled back and the manager was fired and banned.


October 16, 2009 00:01

120 posts(s)



ok Gabriel.
but he put him on the market, i was able to get him because i was going to pay a high salary because competition.
i fired 2 players to buy him, so i´m loosing….
anyway thanks


October 16, 2009 01:36

4,303 posts(s)



I understand but the idea of moving the player back to his original team is also to prevent the original team from being weakened by cheaters, that’s why I can’t put him back in the market. I could return you the players if nobody hired them already, as an exception. Whenever you see such strange deals it’s better get suspicious ;)


October 16, 2009 04:13

120 posts(s)



nervermind, you right, too good to be truth, i guess my bad….. it is ok about my players than i fired, dont worry, better work more important things( match eng, and please world cup…jejejeje)


October 21, 2009 22:25

609 posts(s)


i’m kinda confused to, just in the prem league and have to stay in the division says my board which is ofc obvious.

So what’s happening now……..i’m actually fighting for the title and i don’t have a clue why i ended last season on the 12th place and now…hhmm