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Top players for sale at PSV

Subscribe to Top players for sale at PSV 12 post(s), 2 voice(s)


January 08, 2019 10:35

639 posts(s)


Dennis Bakker, 26yr old midfielder with 86 average

Pressure handling: Good
Plays better against teams with the same class as his team (+3)

Unfortunately for me not so useful (I rarely play against same class), but for a lot of teams he will be.



January 16, 2019 21:43

639 posts(s)



No one interested in a relatively young 89 avg player? Strange. There aren’t that many in the game, are there?


January 16, 2019 23:50

4,303 posts(s)



It is a decent player for B teams or lower I think. I agree there aren’t that many with the same characteristics available, but maybe those who could use the player would rather try to invest in younger ones that could become even better than yours? Or maybe it’s just that not everyone checks the forums :-)


January 17, 2019 09:22

639 posts(s)



There are not many better players for B-teams though. It’s true that you cannot use him all games (for full effectiveness), but the same counts for players with reasonable/poor pressure handling.

Also 8.36 avg rating this season so far.


January 23, 2019 22:31

639 posts(s)



Another good player for sale: Federico Haedo, age 30.

92 passing, 87 average.
Plays better against teams with a class better than his team (+3)


January 23, 2019 22:35

639 posts(s)



And João Vargas, A-player, age 29

87 average with 98 speed.

Plays better against teams with a class better than his team (+3)


January 23, 2019 22:37

639 posts(s)



Pedro Ferreira, age 31

He has only 83 average but is cheap and has

Plays better in international cups (+3)


February 12, 2019 09:07

639 posts(s)



Gabriel, do you know if Dennis Bakker (who I kept because people didn’t want to buy him, even for a cheap price) is the best player of the game currently with 9.01 average?


February 12, 2019 12:03

4,303 posts(s)



There are 11 players in FastTicker that have played at least 7 matches in the same competition this season that have an avg rating better than Dennis. Still, a very impressive performance!


February 12, 2019 20:25

639 posts(s)



I thought I didn’t see a lot of 9+ averages in the world team of the season, but I guess it’s more common than I expected. Still strange that no one wanted to buy him.


February 12, 2019 21:01

4,303 posts(s)



I only checked averages on a specific competition, not overall season average across all competitions played.


October 03, 2019 08:31

639 posts(s)



Lourival Rabelo: DA 88 avg, 28 years, your man for the D +1 position.

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