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Chacarita Juniors - Big Sale

Subscribe to Chacarita Juniors - Big Sale 8 post(s), 3 voice(s)


January 24, 2013 17:09

116 posts(s)


After the early elimination in libertadores da américa and tha bad results in the season, even being superior in 95% of games, we decided to sell six of our top players. Hurry, before the board repent and takeoff him from the market.

Kind Regards.



January 24, 2013 17:46

116 posts(s)


I put more 3 players.

I will think about Tomás Cejas and Amadeo Samuel.


February 18, 2013 09:26

116 posts(s)


Pessoal, tem 3 ótimos jogadores a venda no Chacarita Juniors!


February 18, 2013 20:14

828 posts(s)


english ?


February 18, 2013 22:57

116 posts(s)


I have 3 good players for sale!


February 19, 2013 19:54

828 posts(s)


i guess the word " good" is very opnionated. those players arnt “good” they are “bad” your better off fireing them


February 19, 2013 22:27

104 posts(s)


Felix nao ligues; esse Davison tem a mania que é esperto; acha todos os jogadores que outros jogadores colocam a venda sao maus mas olhando para a equipa dele sao muito melhor que os jogadores que ele tem; nem sei o porque de ele vir ca provocar com certos tipo de comentarios; alem que ele vende piores e coloca a precos exurbitantes; agora com as mudancas penso que nao o podera fazer e ca para mim se os despedes ele seria dos primeiros a querer os comprar lolol é uma comedia que praticamente nunca ganhou nada e esta sempre a criticar os outros


February 19, 2013 23:40

828 posts(s)


dude dont be mad that i wont buy shitty players that you try to sugar coat they arnt good enough for the price your putting for them 1) and 2) they are shit jeez dont cry

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