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Libertadores e Tigres.

Subscribe to Libertadores e Tigres. 12 post(s), 8 voice(s)


March 16, 2011 14:18

9 posts(s)


Prezados moderadores,

Tenho algumas observações a fazer e espero por resposta concreta.

A Libertadores nāo faz mais nenhum sentido tentar brigar porque mesmo que conseguimos lutar e escapar do grupo da morte, como ja foi citado e praticamente impossivel ganhar do Tigre.

Li os comentários sobre o Tigre, mas nao concordei com as respostas dos moderadores. Que pra mim enrrolaram mais do que tentaram explicar como eh possivel soh o Tigre ser assim.

Sou membro a mais ou menos 3 anos, e acompanhei muitas atualizações e desempenho do jogo.

Em 3 anos na temporada passada foi meu 1 titulo da liga, sei como é dificil montar um time para ganhar uma liga.

Sem falar no dinheiro como sera que o Tigre arrumou dinheiro para montar a 1 equipe de 100 ? Os jogadores de 100 se aposentam mas nao adianta o cara arruma mais jogadores de 100.

Estou brigando muito para ter alguns jogadores de 100. E se for vender eles não saira por menos de 600M cada.

Porque so eu sei o quanto eh dificil criar um. So que para o. Tigre isso eh muito facil.

Espero que os moderadores expliquem o pq da fase de grupo da libertadores ser assim e pq soh o Tigre tem varios jogadores 100.

A libertadores vai ficar sem os 2 primeiros da liga do brasil nesta temporada …. ridiculooooooooo …………….


March 16, 2011 14:52

637 posts(s)


Can someone give a short summary in English. Google translate isn’t that clear. :-)


March 16, 2011 15:27

9 posts(s)


Dear moderators,

I have some observations to make and hope for concrete answer.

The Liberators did not even make no sense to try to fight because even if we can fight and escape the group of death, as has already been cited and practically impossible to beat Tiger.

Li’s comments on the Tigris, but the answers do not agree with the moderators. Which to me more winded than tried to explain how it is possible to be like the Tiger soh.

I am a member of more or less three years, and followed many updates and game performance.

In three years last season was my first league title, I know how hard it is to assemble a team win a league.

Not to mention the money as it will be that Tiger got the money to build a team of 100? Players from 100 retire but no good guy gets more than 100 players.

I am fighting hard to have some 100 players. And if they do not sell for less than saira 600M each.

Because only I know how difficult to create an eh. So that for Others Tiger it is too easy.

I hope the moderators explaining why the group stage of the liberators soh pq be and the Tiger 100 has several players.

The liberators will be without the 2 / 1 Brazil league this season. … ridiculooooooooo … … … … ….


March 16, 2011 16:36

116 posts(s)


Oi Alvaro, boa tarde, sou do Chacarita Juniors.

Se você prestar atenção, acredito que o Tigre não está mais conseguindo repor o time dele.
Acredito, que a partir da próxima temporada, a disputa na América do Sul ficará mais equilibrada.

O tempo das grandes estrelas se foram.
Ainda nessa temporada, dificilmente alguém tira a libertadores do Tigre, mas a partir da próxima, com certeza tudo ficará melhor.

Tive notando as equipes no Brasil, principalmente o Vitória, ótimos jogadores formados no próprio time e que vem desenvolvendo muito bem.

O fato do Tigre ter hoje muitos jogadores 100, é um pouco sorte, e um pouco competência dele em contratar.

Tem um atacante do meu time, Jan Jasckhe, ele estava no mercado na época e tinha um lance do Tigre, e eu fui olhar, e não acreditava que o jogador ia evoluir muito, porém, veja o monstro que ele virou. Eu acabei dando o chapéu no Tigre.

Eu também percebi que alguns jogadores que eu acabo vendendo antes da formação completa, se tornaram grandes jogadores, ou seja, se eu tivesse esperado mais, poderia ter tido mais sorte.

Vamos aguardar e ver o que acontece daqui pra frente.
Levantar suspeitas não vai ser o melhor caminho.

Você vem fazendo um belíssimo trabalho no Brasil e caminha para o seu segundo título.

Acredito que nossa luta no momento, deve ser para equilibrar os grupos da libertadores, já que os melhores times da América do Sul estão se matando logo na fase de grupos.





March 16, 2011 17:57

9 posts(s)


Boa tarde Felix,

O problema não é levantar suspeita e sim talvez entender como o Tigre tem tanta certeza que o jogador vai ser bom ?

Tenho acompanhado os jogadores que ele tem, e as transferências e muitos jogadores que ele compra, acabam sendo dispensado pelo clube que nasceu e do nada o jogador vira um dos melhores.

Só não consigo entender esta certeza na hora de apostar em um jogador, porque todo jogador que ele compra vira um craque.

Há um tempo atras teve uma leva de jogadores 100 que se aposentou, aí pensei, agora acabou o Tigre, mas ……. que nada na outra temporada jah tinha mais uma leva de jogadores com 100.

Só eu sei o quanto é complicado desenvolver um jogador e chegar em 100, e mesmo assim não é 100 em mais de uma habilidade.

Só acho estranho e muito estranho, espero que atitudes como essa acabem e o Rubysoccer cresça mais e mais.

E se realmente for mérito do Tigres … Parabéns !!! Mas sendo muito sincero não acredito que isso tenha acontecido por mérito, estou a 3 anos no Rubysoccer e somente agora consegui montar um time que consigo disputar o título.

Sabe se o Tigres encontrou um meio de montar um time desse sem trapaça, merece uma MEDALHA, e podia dar palestras . KKKKKK


March 16, 2011 17:59

9 posts(s)


Good afternoon, Felix,

The problem is not to raise suspicion, but perhaps understand how the Tiger is so sure that the player will be good?

I have followed the players he has, and transfers and many players he buys, eventually being released by the club which was born out of nothing and the player turns one of the best.

Just do not understand this certainty in time to bet on a player because he buys every player becomes a star.

A while ago had a lead of 100 players who retired, then I thought, now over the Tigris, but ……. that nothing in another season jah had another load of players with 100.

Only I know how complicated it is to develop a player and get 100, and still is not 100 in more than one skill.

Just find it odd and very strange, I hope attitudes like this and end up Rubysoccer grow more and more.

And if really merit the Tigers … Congratulations! But being very honest I do not believe this has happened on merit, I am 3 years and only just managed Rubysoccer assemble a team that can compete for the title.

Do you know if the Tigers found a way to assemble a team that without cheating, deserves a medal, and could give lectures. KKKKKK
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March 16, 2011 22:14

241 posts(s)


This TIgre phenomean has been discussed before but for my part havent got any satisfoctary answers from developers, but since you brought it up i will add some more fuel to the fire:-)

What are the chances that a club produces world best 2 keepers in the same decade:

plus many world class players from same team…comn …lets assume the rest of us are incapable of figuring out who will be the world best lets ask Jorge Correia the manager of Academica from Portugal who uses only his home grown players for 25+ seasons that how many world best he produced in all these years from his acedamy and lets count how many tigre did knowing the fact portugal and argentina is not far off in rankings…. i close my case…and this is my last post about this team.



March 16, 2011 22:48

4,285 posts(s)



For those of you who used to play ManagerSim, Tigres is to RubySoccer what Fiorentina was to ManagerSim. I don’t remember who the manager was, but the guys had incredible players and managed to win the league several seasons in a row, sometimes with victories in ALL the 38 matches. Tigres’ manager seem to have the same addiction and luck the Fiorentina manager had back there. The fact we don’t give you any other explanation is only because we can’t find anything to disqualify the manager’s behavior. The guy has no access to our code or database…and if this was enough I would be the best manager :-D

Now, about Libertadores groups, I feel it is time to put that to an end. I have an important bug to fix but I’ll do my best to increase the number of groups and make sure teams from the same country are not placed in the same group.



March 17, 2011 00:50

57 posts(s)


I have been manager for Académica since season 25. My best performance came in season 46 when i won the league and the cup. But that was the “peak” for my team, when i had key players for each position mainly a average G (89 keeping), a D C with 100 in tackling, a good midfielder and a striker that scored… Now, the players emerging from my youth team aren’t that good. Better days will come!!!


March 19, 2011 16:11

241 posts(s)


Gabriel since you brought it up, i did play managersim and soccersim before that after french company bought the rights of the game and screwed it :) .One time in managersim a team form Norway i dont remember its name was buying all the best players then everybody got suspicious and then after it was revealed that there was a bug and the team accumulated abnormal cash from sponsorship income due to this bug.



March 19, 2011 20:23

609 posts(s)


every manager who plays this game wants to get the best players and are trying to figure out who to buy/keep in there team that will become a star. If you found a way (while not cheating) that you have a 90% chance of getting a star wouldn’t you use that? That is what this game is mostly about.

I know it’s frustrating, but i don’t blame him (if he’s not cheating) that he finds the best in the game. It’s all about good management.


March 24, 2011 16:16

32 posts(s)


In all my 30 seasons in rubysoccer fastticker brazilian league, I have never got a single 95+ average player from my youth (just seldom a bare 92). I don’t even remember ever seen another player with 100 average. Did anybody else ever got something like that from their youth?

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