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94 goalkeeper fired

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May 14, 2010 23:58

287 posts(s)


I know he is veteran, but this goalkeeper is much better than the current ones that they have.


May 15, 2010 05:15

4,285 posts(s)



The board considered him slightly worse than his current best, that’s why he was able to fire the veteran. And if you look at the stats individually the best he has know has 2 less points in speed but is better in everything else, except for keeping, of course…


May 15, 2010 06:51

42 posts(s)



Ulisses, (sorry for my bad english), I’ve fired him because i’ll have 35 years old, and his wage is too important for me. Thanks for your understanding. I don’t want too many high wages in my team, and really want to improve my young players…

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