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How is possible ???

Subscribe to How is possible ??? 1 post(s), 1 voice(s)


January 28, 2010 12:48

104 posts(s)


Please change the system… more one result unfair. This will be a draw…

3 × 0
4-4-2 formação 3-5-2
46% posse 54%
17 remates 18
17 remates no alvo 14
88% passes acertados 84%
58% desarmes eficazes 58%
1 cantos 1
9 foras-de-jogo 0
5 faltas 1

The other goalkeeper have 10 ok.. but my goal keeper 8.5.

But how is possible a player with 69 shooting and with 4 shoot score 2 goals ?

Posição: M
Lado: LC
Guarda-Redes: 41
Desarme: 66
Passe: 80
Remate: 69 -
Velocidade: 83
Drible: 75
Controlo: 80
Cabeceamento: 79
Agressividade: 69
Condição: 88

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