Help with the help

Subscribe to Help with the help 18 post(s), 6 voice(s)


November 07, 2008 09:32

4,303 posts(s)



Hello everybody!

We need volunteers to help us writing our game help. You can either write new topics in English or translate existing topics to your native language. As some of you may know we have a game help wiki with a few topics we’ve written in English and Portuguese. Leave a message if you wanna help and we’ll contact you with more details. The basic idea for new topics is that we’ll give the volunteers an overview about a specific topic so that he/she has enough information to write it.

Anybody? :D


November 07, 2008 21:24

1,003 posts(s)



Should I mention that we need donations to help us keep the server too? :D



November 26, 2008 14:03

1 posts(s)


That’s ok, I can help. It could be fun!


November 26, 2008 14:35

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks Bruno, I’ll give you more details by email.


May 15, 2015 00:51

4,303 posts(s)



With the new in-game help system I think it is a good idea to restart the conversation here. If you have some spare time and would like to help us with the help content (writing or translating) it will be much appreciated. We can even negotiate some in-game benefits for the volunteers, if we must ;-)



May 15, 2015 09:54

828 posts(s)


i volunteer to piss everyone off with shit grammar :) if you think of a way i can help….(ideas innovation) im happy… i dont have the patience for writing :/


May 15, 2015 14:07

639 posts(s)



I do have the patience for writing, and am probably willing to help (depends on how much time it takes).


May 16, 2015 09:47

803 posts(s)


Willing to help too, dont have that much time this days but still, glad to help with the effort to bring the game back to life.


May 16, 2015 12:30

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks guys!

@Filipe you have helped us with translation to Portuguese in the past, are you happy to continue with that?

@Dimitri we currently don’t have Dutch translation, would you like to help with that (for the whole game)? Or do you prefer to just assist with the help pages in English?


May 16, 2015 14:44

803 posts(s)


Yep, can do that, thou I am a little rusty by now :D

Just tried to change my ingame language to PT-PT but it doesn’t work, says I’m already logued in and keeps the language in English…


May 16, 2015 17:44

639 posts(s)



I’m not sure if a Dutch translation would be worth the effort. Allmost all Dutch people (over 12 under 60) have a good understanding of English, a lot even prefer to use English to Dutch.

What do the other Dutch (or Flemish) managers think?


May 16, 2015 21:17

803 posts(s)


Its working now, much to be corrected Gabriel, most things in PT-BR and some others could have been better translated by me in the old days :D


May 17, 2015 02:31

1,003 posts(s)



Well, it doesn’t take a lot of time to fix this sort of thing, using poedit … Last time I spent something like 20 minutes to bring the pt-br translations up to speed. If you have some time I can send you the latest file for you to have a look, Filipe :D


May 17, 2015 11:37

4,303 posts(s)



@Filipe once you change the language you need to logout and login again, if I’m not mistaken.

@Dimitri that’s a good point, so it might be more useful to write English help pages. Any particular screen(s) you’d like to start with? Feel free to message me in-game or reply here to discuss further.


May 17, 2015 20:20

639 posts(s)



Perhaps you can send me a what still needs to be done (sort of todo list) and I choose some? And some explanation how of course.


May 18, 2015 10:28

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll send you an email, hope that’s ok.


May 18, 2015 10:31

639 posts(s)



Sure, no problem!


May 22, 2015 17:37

803 posts(s)


Danilo please send me the file so i can look at it this weekend.