Players A,B,C, etc,

Subscribe to Players A,B,C, etc, 7 post(s), 5 voice(s)


April 07, 2018 07:44

123 posts(s)


I dont agree with this kind of players classes. Its bulshit. My opinion.
Shit players, almost retiring, with so hight prices? Disgusting
Not a good choice for the game. Very bad.
My opinion, again


April 07, 2018 16:45

123 posts(s)


And i forgot to mention, very low skills and abilities. A and B classes, crazy prizes. It,s a joke, yes?
I say, Yes


April 08, 2018 08:02

296 posts(s)


Probably the wrong place but I agree, some players that are 36 but S class sell for 60+ million.


April 08, 2018 14:10

38 posts(s)


I agree with you guys. The prices for all computer players on transfer lists are insane. Regardless of the player class – computer usually wants 2 or 3 times more than his value.

How We or I can earn that kind of money when for Championship title in Denmark I earned 6M? In my opinion computer clubs destroying transfer market!

Maybe that is a perfect time to thinking about putting some sponsors in the game or adding some other tools to help earn money for the human clubs? Because without that in big part we are convicted to hunting free transfer players only :(

Luke “Bronson”


April 09, 2018 00:53

4,303 posts(s)



I agree that computer players are paying too much in some cases, maybe we should change them to pay no more than the calculated “base price” which should be somewhat close to the estimated value. We can also change such values so that age players a bigger role, decreasing the values more than it currently does.

An important point is that the estimated value calculation is tied to the amount of money clubs have, so if you feel the high player classes are having too high values that means there is more and more money in the game, therefore introducing more money is not how we should solve this. I’ve been checking every season in FastTicker the sum of all the money in the clubs and that amount has been increasing at around 5% every season. The key is that the difference in cash balance between big earners and smaller clubs is increasing.

Apart from the first couple changes mentioned I’ll think a bit more about other ways we can bring this back to realistic levels, any further observations are more than welcome as usual.


April 10, 2018 11:15

639 posts(s)



Bronson, both Gremio and Boca Juniors just paid 115M for a player (see the newspaper). That shows that at least some clubs have plenty of money. If you have problems with getting money yourself, perhaps just ask the managers of those clubs how they got so rich?


April 10, 2018 12:45

38 posts(s)


I no need to ask they Dimitri.

First of all they manage clubs in top4 the best and richest leagues in RubySoccer. They play regulary in international cups too so they have huge incomes for invest in club or players. But relax man, I changed top English club NFFC (after won championship title) on Danish Brøndby becouse I like challenges. I try to do my best but I need a little more time to earn some money and invest them in the new club and good players :)
Rivals are strong and experienced but no one sayed that’ll be easy job ;)

Good Luck everyone and see ya on stadiums!

Luke “Bronson”