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Merry xmas

Subscribe to Merry xmas 5 post(s), 3 voice(s)


December 22, 2007 14:39

1,003 posts(s)



I wish you all a merry xmas and happy new year. I am sure rubysoccer will have tons of new stuff next year and I hope you guys can be part of that.



December 22, 2007 15:00

4,303 posts(s)



I make Danilo’s words mine :-)

These first months of RubySoccer have been great! Even though we still have a long road ahead of us I feel the game have made a good progress and the feedback from our 180 active users (that’s you :-) ) was very important into this process. I expect to add one good new feature (surprise) before the end of the year, but I won’t promise anything.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


December 27, 2007 05:45

53 posts(s)


Hy Gabriel and Danilo, thanks and Happy new year for all of players and developers.
Gabriel, you’ve stamped my champions band in medium applying a high score with Flamengo in Medium :<, (but I wish you a happy new year too..rsrsrs).


December 27, 2007 07:24

4,303 posts(s)



It wasn’t me, I’ve got Flamengo on turn 123 :-)

Happy New Year!


December 23, 2008 17:32

4,303 posts(s)



Merry Christmas for everybody! For those on vacation don’t forget to use holiday mode (Go on Vacation link) so you don’t lose any players ;)


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