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Who is rich in this game?

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December 28, 2008 08:29

678 posts(s)


I’m just curious about something. I read plenty about “people being worried that there is to much money in the game”. What is to much?

What I would like to know is how rich are the avarage teams? How is your income? I for example with Brest Generate about 400k in sponsers and stuff and I get between 400-500k from tickets. That’s about it.

How is this with the teams like Valladolid or Hertha :). I assume it’s alot more? Do you mind sharing or is it a big secret :). Also…how much money do teams like that have in the bank? For example, when I played managersim the most I ever had was 600 mill in the bank. Record transfers back then were about 150-250 mill.

Now I see players being listed for 80-100 mill, but are there even teams rich enough to afford that?

Also, to the makers, if I get more and more succes I assume I will earn more money? Is sponsers effected by succes or simply by star players? The more value my players have the more money I get from sponsers and merchandise?

Ok…hope I can get some answers here :)



December 28, 2008 11:17

4,303 posts(s)



Looking at the database I found out the average amount of money on non-cpu teams from FastTicker is around 18 mill. The total amount of money available in FastTicker is 4.8 billions. A few months ago it was around 2.5, so we can see this is growing. Player wages are too low in my opinion, there are some changes planned for that including contract clauses and considering player importance in the squad when renewing contracts.

Regarding sponsorship, it’s based on the team’s performance while merchandise is based on players quality.



February 23, 2009 01:08

651 posts(s)


what is the best way to increase sponsors income, especially when wins are difficult to come by???


February 23, 2009 16:51

678 posts(s)


I don’t think you can. Logical right…if you are a team in real life and you don’t win, why would sponsers be intrested in sponsering you. The sponsers want to be ascociated with a winning team, not a losing team :)


February 25, 2009 10:45

651 posts(s)


sponsors are not the only way for income… there are other sources too… :) any way… that question of mine was just for fun, but then.
regarding real life, look at spurs and new castle … ( new castle’s problem for next year is not due to wins/loss, it is a different story)…


February 25, 2009 11:39

375 posts(s)


Player History Show All Previous Next
Season Turn Value Event
66 150000000 Transfered from Avaí to América-RN

for Danilo Viana

my record ;)


February 25, 2009 11:56

651 posts(s)


those are astronomical at the moment for me :)


February 28, 2009 00:38

609 posts(s) say that player wages are to low?! i started in a small team with not alot of good players. Working my way up is what i want and not join a “big club”. Making players asking for more wages will only disadvantage the smaller teams and make bigger teams more powerfull. I find it hard to buy good players with the ammount they are asking at this time, sure you need to save money to buy one…but 1/2 seasons saving now would make me like 10mil ish..i can’t buy a “good” players for that in this time. So you saying that all small teams later on will need to save years for they can buy good players?!


February 28, 2009 01:13

120 posts(s)



vaughn, yes small teams are in disadvantage….. like in the real game. But there is always a way around… you have to find opportunities, even on the market,,,, i just got a player for 10 mill than in 74 turns went from 87 to 97 shooting skill……. that is cheap in today´s market…. and so many others…..



February 28, 2009 08:39

651 posts(s)


damago, i am not sure whether these one-off cases are always possible and are really the norm of this game system… what if a team doesn’t have 10 millions to spend???
but yes i would agree you on developing. i got one striker for 1.4 million (23 years) went from 83 to 88 in 60 turns and has developed 15 points in total, and he is still developing. But i am not sure if everyone will release such important players every time.

But then, if the selling team doesn’t have strong coaching skills then, we have more opportunity to develop that player.

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