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Sponsors and merchandising income

Subscribe to Sponsors and merchandising income 4 post(s), 4 voice(s)


November 21, 2008 18:52

375 posts(s)


My squad is worth more than 800M now, but my income from merchandising doesn’t seem to increase since my squad was valued less than 100M…

Maybe it’s time to stimulate merchandising income ? :)

And also add “star system” ? :)


November 22, 2008 08:50

4,300 posts(s)



The star system should make merchandise better. We can add that after we’re done with the current enhancements package.



November 22, 2008 10:43

387 posts(s)


alban, if you need some extra cash, sell me some of your players ;-)


November 24, 2008 17:38

241 posts(s)


All my players are on natural wages some earn even less from what they should be earning. Relatively speaking i am doing alright in my division. My coaching staff is at lvl 9 which is earning 200k per week. The reason i am not upgrading it to lvl 10 is that i cant afford to pay 100k more because i cant break even my expenses after that upgrade. On top of that if i decide to upgrade the other two staff departments which are currently at zero l i would have a minus balance every pay period without ticket income.

By the way i had worse economy last year which i finished 7th with a board expectation “avoid relegation”. The way i see it is that the sponsor income should be dynamic , for instance when you surplus the expectation of your board your sponsor income should raise significantly . As for the merchandising i agree with Alban that it should be adjusted according to your players quality.

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