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Penalties applied on individual tactics

Subscribe to Penalties applied on individual tactics 3 post(s), 3 voice(s)


September 30, 2008 13:49

5 posts(s)


Hi there!

According to some old threads, players positioned in the “wrong” side of the field have their attributes decreased during that match (1-3 points), am I right?

Now that we have individual tactics, I would like to know if players out of their correct side will also have this kind of penalty. For example, what will happen if I have a formation where a “L” player is positioned in the “L” side of the field, but in his individual tactics I instruct him to go “all right”?

Sorry if this question has already been answered elsewhere! (if so, I couldn’t find it :D)


September 30, 2008 14:14

4,303 posts(s)



Hi Paulada!

This question hasn’t been answered anywhere else yet, we’ll add this information to the game help. The answer is yes, if you use individual tactics to move your player to a position where he would normally receive penalties he will receive temporary penalties while using that tactic (team with or without ball). It is important to notice that individual tactics move your player at most 2 “squares” in the field. All right for a player in M L 0 position means this player will move to M C 0 when this tactic is applied, right and forward means M LC +1 and so on. This will also go into the game help.



September 30, 2008 15:10

1,003 posts(s)



Another thing that we are considering is to enable you guys to change the mentality in a different place. The grid would remain, but it would only treat the field position. This would give more flexibility to the positions on the field.


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