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influence of changing a formation

Subscribe to influence of changing a formation 2 post(s), 2 voice(s)


September 18, 2008 13:15

387 posts(s)


i have some questions regarding the corelation of the team performance & the formation continuity.

you meant if a manager sticks with 1 formation the team doesnt get worse; vice versa if you make changes on a formation the performance will suffer b/c of this.
on what conditions the team performance gets worse & in how (decrease of the average player’s skill level?) ?

a) Does the continuity depends on the type of matches (friendly, league, uefa, …)? If i have 3 different preset-setups (formations/positions), 1 for each type of matches, will this mean i get a penalty in a league match when i played a uefa match in the previous turn? Or will i receive a penalty just when i change certain things in the same competion type of matches?

Will the performance suffer (& how) if
b) i keep the formations & all positions but replace one or two player
c) i have different formations & positions in different match types (s. above)?
d) i change just 1 position, like position MLC+1 deleted, instead MRC-1

e) How often (matches) do i have to play with a certain setup till it’s not a penalty issue another and is saved as the new “default”?

f) How does the penalties work, like decreasing all players skill ~3 points?

my understanding …
formation: 352, 343, 442 …
positions: M+1&LC, D0&R, A-1&C …


September 18, 2008 13:45

4,303 posts(s)



Sorry Philipp, I may have got you confused at some point! The relation between performance & formation continuity is something to be implemented in the future. Right now you can change your formation every match without any kind of penalty for doing that. When we add this feature I’ll make sure all your questions are answered in the game help.


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