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Heading 80

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September 18, 2008 10:50

375 posts(s)


Soon new strikers with heading 90+ will easily score headers against our old keepers who’ve reached their potential and have only 80 heading even if they have 99 keeping. Right ? :)


September 18, 2008 10:59

4,303 posts(s)



Right! My 92 keeper will also suffer…in the other hand a new keeper with heading 90+ will make existing strikers headers not so useful ;)

I forgot to mention in the announcement post that it’s a little bit harder to make your header go towards the goal than a shot, but it’s also harder for the keeper to catch a good header. I’ll update the announcement.



September 18, 2008 11:08

375 posts(s)


And existing young players with potential left ? did they get new points or only new players will get them ?


September 18, 2008 12:41

4,303 posts(s)



Only new players.


September 18, 2008 13:08

637 posts(s)


First matches with headers in Italy (mediumticker): 38 goals for 10 matches. 25 of the 38 goals were headers. Headers do their work :-)
But they may not ruin the game. At the moment you can’t defend them. In real life the chance that a goal is a header is not 65% as it is now in the game.
I think in a certain period of time we need more fieldgoals then there are now. Let’s say 75% fieldgoals and 25% header goals.

To defend headers I maybe have a solution.
I think you also need to count the headers of the defenders in cornersituations and freekicks. It’s not only the keeper who has to defend headers in these situations. Nevertheless the influence of the keeper has to be bigger than the one of the defender.
This is also the situation in real life.



September 18, 2008 13:43

4,303 posts(s)



@thorpedo: I agree with you, headers should not ruin the game. Now that we have had a few real matches with headers I know what I should change next. My first change will probably increase the number of non-header goals scored, the next step will try to reduce the number of shots during a match, this should take the number of goals scored to a reasonable level, and more balanced between headers and shots. The first change will be ready soon, the second demands a little more time. The role of the defenders when we have a high ball is dispute the ball with the attackers…the reason that doesn’t happen a lot right now is because we need to improve the player marking in the match logic, and we will. Lots of things going on with the match logic right now, we’re trying to catch up all the time we spent on other features and put some extra effort on matches.

@Philipp: that’s exactly what we have now, everybody has 80 in headers skill, without any improvement chance, while new players will have natural growth of heading skills.

Thanks for the feedback guys!


September 18, 2008 14:11

387 posts(s)


i thought twice about the changes, and i’m not loving the idea that keepers need a special skill to save a header. That’s not like in real life. But in real life football you might need a higher ability in reactivity/speed and controll of the penalty area (specially to prevent some headers).

So i would keep savings mainly related to keeping ability, even for headers. But would define a 2nd (modest) skill as a support to save headings.


September 18, 2008 15:41

18 posts(s)


I agree with Philipp. But heading, could be used as a second abililty, like the jumping on Football Manager. Speed should be important, too.

After the first match, besides the high number of heading goals, what I saw is that another thing has to be changed: the players have to start passing the ball to the wingers, ‘cause the ball is passed almost every time in the center. I don’t know if it happened only in the game I saw (I’ll watch more)

The other thing that needs change I hope that can happen with the individual tatics: the players have to stop running together to the same ball and start playing in sectors. This will force managers to stop putting every player at just one line in the center…

Gabriel, you said that you’re working to improve the player marking… is this improvement related to this “all running together”?



September 18, 2008 19:59

4,303 posts(s)



Yes Rodrigo, this “all running together” should stop when we implement a better player marking logic.

@thorpedo: here’s what we have after my changes, in the international cup round we had 16 matches, 58 goals scored (3,625 per match)…from these 12 where headers (20,8%)…looks much better now :D


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