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Low stamina

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July 10, 2008 14:19

637 posts(s)


I was looking for new players when I saw players with stamina like 3, 4 or 17 without injuries. I think this is ridiculous. In real life a player with stamina “3” has a very big chance for an injury of half a season.
I suggest a “not match fit” if a player has a stamina below 50. The player can’t play matches anymore untill his stamina reached again a stamina of 51.
Also the injuries of players with a stamina below 85 must be longer and the risk for injuries must be much higher.
I think this a reasonable solution.



July 10, 2008 14:25

4,300 posts(s)



The risk of injuries is higher for low stamina players. Maybe it’s not high enough. A “not match fit” sounds good also. We’ll review this subject.

Thanks thorpedo!

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