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holiday mode (go on vacation option)

Subscribe to holiday mode (go on vacation option) 3 post(s), 2 voice(s)


July 02, 2008 06:37

387 posts(s)


What’s the routine of this mode?

I know it prevents from getting fired within 30 days. But what else i have to expect from this?

Will youths get a contract when they demand one?
Will player contracts be renewed automatically? For 1, 2 or 3 years?
Will player be put on TL for some (board) reason?


July 02, 2008 08:22

4,300 posts(s)



I hope all my answers are accurate…here we go:

Youths will get a contract when they demand unless the team has reached the 30 players limit;
Contracts will be renewed automatically for 1 year, new wage being something around what the player would accept if you were negotiating with him;
No players will be put on TL or removed from it;

And I’ve just added that to the Concepts and Rules section of the game help :-)


July 02, 2008 11:47

387 posts(s)


all right, thx

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