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Forced transfer one more time

Subscribe to Forced transfer one more time 5 post(s), 3 voice(s)


July 31, 2018 19:09

38 posts(s)


Hello all!
How works “forced transfer” when I try to buy player from the team with human manager? Who decide about accept or refuse my offer? The board, human manager or maybe only player?

BTW I thinking that human manager should have right to decide first.

Luke “Bronson”


August 01, 2018 01:30

4,300 posts(s)



It works the same way as non-human managed teams, except that the amount required to successfully force the transfer is doubled. The manager has no say in it, which may indeed make some people angry. We only had two instances (I think) of forced transfers involving a human managed team as the target.

What is the general opinion, should we block this option altogether so that you can’t target a player from a human managed team? Should we allow it but change the rules for it? Or leave it as is?


August 01, 2018 17:55

38 posts(s)


I’ll try to test it. Manager builds team by buying and selling players so I think that human manager should have chance to decide about accept or reject received offers especially from other human managers.

What others thinking about that?


August 02, 2018 06:40

296 posts(s)


I think the offer should go straight to the manager to accept or decline, then if he declines but the offer is so high the board steps in and accepts/it agrees with manager (maybe could do with the % the board think is doing a good job, the higher the percent the more likely board will agree with manager)


August 02, 2018 10:31

4,300 posts(s)



I like the board % idea, not hard to put in practice.

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