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anyone bored yet ?

Subscribe to anyone bored yet ? 22 post(s), 10 voice(s)


April 26, 2013 07:26

828 posts(s)


hmmmm ?

just asking im starting to get bored with this game. we are in a lull :(


April 26, 2013 07:38

609 posts(s)


I like to start fresh in new teams to keep a challenge, so i would say no to your question.


April 26, 2013 12:24

296 posts(s)


I say we reset both game worlds, drop the player stats down alot do its harder to get a 90+ shooter etc. Too many stars in the games now.


May 13, 2013 15:13

78 posts(s)


agrees with above :)


May 13, 2013 20:50

61 posts(s)


My opinion is that each game world should have its own time limit, and the ranking and hall of fame of the inactives worlds should be saved somewhere public.

This way we avoid inflation and the excessive number of super stars!


May 14, 2013 11:42

78 posts(s)


Resetting Medium would be sweet! Or just add a superticker, update every hour or 2 hours :)


May 14, 2013 18:37

803 posts(s)


I’ve expressed my view on inflation already in another topic, and I dont think a reset would make it better, I dont agree we have an exessive number of superstars either, I dont see a super player since the days of the “Legendary Tigre”, changes were made then and I think the way it is is reasonable…


May 14, 2013 20:28

340 posts(s)


yes, reset and stop all transfers . :)



May 15, 2013 12:48

78 posts(s)


Reset and make a max 3 transfer per season rule :)

Perhaps it would be nice to create a 3rd dimension where you have for lets say a 2h tick and you can test all kind of things/new idea’s/brainfarts.


May 16, 2013 09:47

340 posts(s)


or 15 min tick?



May 17, 2013 14:18

78 posts(s)


my work would be really happy with that one :P


May 20, 2013 11:59

4,300 posts(s)



Honestly I’m open to these reset / new dimension ideas. After some time well spent in the new economy and improvements yet to come I’m in a kind of a halt due to very busy personal and work life at the moment. If you guys really want something radical like that to shake the game a little bit feel free to add more ideas here so Danilo and I can give it some serious thought.



May 20, 2013 20:41

609 posts(s)


The only thing a total reset will do at this point is getting everyone angry because they have to build a new team again (not from free will). A reset won’t solve any problem people might have in the game, it will only postpone ‘the problem’, cause it will come back again.


May 20, 2013 21:27

15 posts(s)


i agree with vaughn but something new in the game is welcome. the 2 hours ticker it´s a great idea.


May 20, 2013 22:35

61 posts(s)


I started thinking reseting would be a good idea but I think a brand new economy system is being tested and it needs time…

In my opinion ,not a reseting, but one world with limited time( 20, 50, 100 seasons depending on ticks/day ) would make rubysoccer more attractive to new players… When the world ends, you could make the hall of fame and ranking of it public and even add a place in forum so people could share some glorys… The thing is people will try to be first ranking, but when it ends, they know a new world will begin and everyone will try to be the new #1… You could also have the fixed worlds ( fast and medium )…

EDIT: I know its costly ( $ and time ), but Im Just sharing some thoughts =)


May 21, 2013 10:22

7 posts(s)


I think you should improve training! Its killing me that a midfielder never improves the passing! Its so fustrating!


May 21, 2013 11:54

828 posts(s)


^ training in every aspect 10 coach = annoying improvement even when youth gets a season long run out and improves +3 ? yeh thats some bullshit plus playing friendlies

custom training gets my vote


May 21, 2013 11:54

828 posts(s)


^ training in every aspect 10 coach = annoying improvement even when youth gets a season long run out and improves +3 ? yeh thats some bullshit plus playing friendlies

custom training gets my vote


May 21, 2013 14:49

7 posts(s)


Custom training would be great! It is fustrating to let young players play even league matches and then they improve control or shooting In a defender. Its so irritating


May 21, 2013 17:30

803 posts(s)


Well, I love when a defender improves shooting, and dont care much if a midfielder dont get pass.

Custom training would be the ultimate shot that kills the transfer market, people already have few reasons to sell players, if they can improve them as they want then there’s no need to buy also. If there is no reason to sell, and no reason to buy, cant see reason for a market…


May 21, 2013 19:32

7 posts(s)


People would have reasons to sell if we dont had a lot of money in bank.


May 22, 2013 08:28

340 posts(s)


I said year(s) ago, make some of the content premium, like being able to train your youth in whatever areas you choose, it’s through a paid phone app only though. So not all have to do that, you can just buy such a customized player, no need to pay if you absolutely want to play the game for free.

1. remove/reset the medium ticker
2. copy fast ticker over to medium ticker and let everyone playing their current game, keep it playng there (with same amount of ticks as fast ticker)
3. reset the fast ticker

now you keep those willing to continue their fast ticker lives in the “med ticker” world and you get to experiment with the new stuff in a newly reset world.

EASY! ;)


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