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June 26, 2012 19:09

340 posts(s)


I am a billionaire, I am off to the Bahamas.

Seriously though, thanks and have a nice game guys, I don’t think I want to play the game as it is at the moment. I might get back one day or not, too early to tell just yet, but it doesn’t really matter.

Good luck Danilo and Gabriel.

I’ll stay on the forums till end of June after that may not get here for a while.
If you for some reason want to stay in touch with me try facebook:

or skype:



June 26, 2012 20:51

301 posts(s)


i sent you a friends request :)


July 01, 2012 07:06

4,300 posts(s)



It is sad to see you leaving BK, your ideas always offer a different perspective into the game aspects :-)
I know we haven’t actually directly implemented those types of ideas, but they can be easily be the seed to something interesting. Anyway, we’ll be here if you ever want to come back.


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