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December 27, 2011 15:18

58 posts(s)



The market is completely dead… so it´s imposible to earn money… in the future the teams will be all financial bankrupt.

It´s urgent to create some financial awards! Every football manager games that I know have this.

Best Regards


December 28, 2011 11:33

803 posts(s)


We all agree the market is not as fluent as it used, yet the problem is not in the money teams have, more money would just raise players prices without any change in the number of transfers made. Also you need to consider that the most successful teams (the ones that would be awarded) already manage to sell and buy players, so that measure would only increase their power over the other teams…

Money is still possible to make from transfers, now its harder and more realistic to do it because you have to sell good players if you want to get money, thats no problem if you know how to find more good players, here is IMO the problem we face, experiment managers know how to find them but no manager that just came to the game can do that now, I think measures to help new managers creating their teams is the solution. That must be also accompanied with more managers in the game, the CPU adjustments made lately showed us the few human managers in the game, I have no access to any statistics but from what I see there’s no more that 50 active human managers in both dimensions… Its impossible to have a nice fluent market without more managers. Mass invitation in the social networks I believe is the best and cheapest way to work that at the moment.

We need to bring more people to try the game and keep playing, for that we should have some more ways to help new comers in their first steps, extra money in their teams so they can improve the couching department (or automatic raise of it), help finding good promising players, prevent them from buying old players in the first seasons. Starting a team from nothing is possible (many managers me included have done it recently) but it requires knowledge of the game new managers dont have and they end up leaving their teams and the game.

At last, as I always said, with more people more cheaters will come so we need to make sure cheating preventing measures are effective too if we want a stable and attractive game.

In short, bring new managers, keep them here, dont let them do sh*t! (this should be the new RS slogan :P)


December 28, 2011 11:51

39 posts(s)



I must say, recently I have become a little bored with Ruby Soccer. There is no longer much interest in the transfer market, there are very few juniors coming through worth keeping; there doesn’t seem to be much going on at all. I admit, I could spend more time searching for juniors, or canvassing other managers to buy class players. However, my time playing the game on a regular basis is limited and I like to see a more vibrant game than what I see now. I think the cpu teams need to be more involved in buying and selling than what they are now. Also, maybe to encourage new managers, or manager transfers, possibly a list of top free teams and there player and cash values could be considered.


December 28, 2011 12:07

639 posts(s)



I agree with tim, the game has become less interesting with the changes on the transfer market. Making it more interesting would make it easier to attract new managers ;)


December 29, 2011 19:31

2 posts(s)


Well, I’m a bit of new players and I can add about the game.

But during these months I have played rubysoccer not attract new players because it has many things that have no logic.

- Transfer market

Market closed for lack of enough human managers, its impossible for new managers to arrange funds to invest in good players.

Lack of money in circulation, only the big teams have it and basically transfers are made between them. There should be several ways to make money and boost the economy of the clubs.

- Leagues

It´s not makes sense to have 50 championships, where 75% of them are only one or two active teams. It does not attract any new player, they get here and see a league with only bots and for that I’ll play FM2012.

- Juniors

You should rethink the way it processes input from the junior game and how twe can develop these players.

- Engine game

It’s frustrating to reach the conclusion that only in tactics that put everything in the midle to play to win a game. But this is the least important.

The idea of the game is well done, but worry too much on catching cheaters than in developing and attracting more people into the game. It makes no sense to have more than 500 teams in each game and have only 50 active players.


December 30, 2011 00:02

20 posts(s)


Revilla, just a correction In both FTand MT there are 936 teams each, FT has 140 Managed teams, and MT has 130 managed teams that seemes to be more than “50 active players”.
I also agree with the transfer market problem, i think there should be something done to help “smaller” teams get extra money, Also, I was thinking about the way money is spent, for example, the only way a team can lose $ is (without purchasing new players)
1. Player Wages
2. Staff Departments (Physiotherapy, Coaching, Scouting)
3. Ground Maintenance

And the only way to MAKE money (without selling players)
1. Tickets
2. Merchandise
3. Sponsorship

IMO the way the game is set up, you acctually spend more money than you earn, I do not know of a single team (RS) that has made millions with out selling players, (that seemes to be the only way) I do know of teams that made and keep on making millions and they keep selling players left and right. the way the market is now (with the recent changed to the COMPUTER managed teams) this will only go down, just think about it, a few seasons ago the best player of the game (IMO the history of the game) Alberto Phillippe (Tigre) went from a value of a Few Hundred Million to $122,790,547, this in not nessesary good but because of the desperate need of some teams to sell, they are willing to sell players dirt cheap and that is not good for the game, I guess we just passed a period of INFLATION and hopefully we start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


December 30, 2011 01:05

803 posts(s)


As I said before I dont think the solution is on giving more money to teams, that will just give an excuse for teams to not sell players and so the transfer market problem wont be solved, whatever the prices of players are or were the problem is the lack of transfer movements because the lack of managers willing to deal, If there was no money in the game prices would drop and transfers would be made but I dont believe that is the case, prices dropped but there are very few active managers to deal (not even 50 I would say)


December 30, 2011 07:06

639 posts(s)



“If there was no money in the game prices would drop and transfers would be made but I dont believe that is the case”

It’s very hard even to sell players at the minimum price allowed….


December 30, 2011 12:27

2 posts(s)


The problem is not whether there are 50 active players or 140 players. But the ratio between humans and bots, at the end of a season are open more leagues from other countries when they have more than half actualy leagues empty completely.

This type of games need to win the competition and will only be able to bring new players when they get it. When you come here and look up for the leagues and and 98% of the teams are bots nobody wants to stay in the game. I prefer less leagues and more competition between humans.


December 30, 2011 12:47

803 posts(s)


There are managers that like those leagues, mostly old players that have not as much time as they had and prefer a calmer and easier league to keep playing. Also some others that would go there only to have titles :D

Anyway the main leagues still have many teams available for new managers so its no big deal having or not new countries, I think Gabriel only add them so soon because of the International ranking problems, not that is solved I don’t think new countries will be added.

@Dimitri that’s precisely my point, I don’t think the problem is lack of money because most teams have money to buy those players, there are simply not enough buyers, again the solution may be returning to the old CPU stupid buyers (and keep ignoring the real problem) or bring more people to the game and have conditions to make them want to stay…


December 30, 2011 14:38

19 posts(s)


One problem that I see now is that all CPU managers acts exactly the same way. It’s interesting to see CPU managers trying to buy youth, but it’s complicated.when they do only this kind of transaction. Maybe having at least to patterns for CPU managers would make the market a little more interesting without filling it only with CPU managers that make silly business.

Another option is allowing bids on non transfer listed players. Trying to convince a human manager to sell a non tl player through the mailing system requires some time. Maybe if you could just show thatyou’re interested in a player by bidding, and if accepted the player goes automatically to the TL for at least 6 ticks, could help making the player market a little more interesting.

Sorry for any typos mistakes, but I am writing from a mobile device using swype…


December 30, 2011 23:48

39 posts(s)



I think that the youth development system needs to be adjusted. I notice lately in France(FT), which is a strong league(although now not no. 1), that the standard of youth coming through seems to be much lower. I think teams in all countries should be able to see at least 1 high quality youth player coming through the system at least every 3 or 4 seasons. I think the last decent youth player to arrive in my team is now 28 years old. All players want to have star players in their team; whether they are purchased or developed from youth. I don’t see what is wrong with have more high quality players in the game; with more of these players, there would be more activity on the market.

Also, with cpu teams being involved in the transfer market, it gives human managers more possibility of selling juniors and older players that they don’t want, and buying junior players from cpu teams to develop. This may weaken cpu teams, but in real life, any league in the world has its powerhouse teams as opposed to its struggling teams; it’s just the way it is.

As I mentioned before for new players wishing to join, maybe a free teams market page, with a formula based on total value of players and cash combined, would allow new(and current managers wanting to change teams) the ability to choose a stronger free team.

I enjoy playing the game quite a lot, however I still think back to the managersim days when there were more quality players on the market, a more vibrant economy, cpu players involved and exciting youth players coming through the system. If it’s a more exciting game to play, then surely it would encourage more people to join up.


January 02, 2012 13:23

803 posts(s)


I don’t think the youth system needs changes again, at least don’t seem like a priority, youths can still become very good even if they dont seem like it in their start, that randomness should continue I think, a too much youth academy dependence would make the transfer market even more desert.

Marzionna’s idea about the CPU behaviour seems very reasonable to me, at least much better than going to the old system. Having CPU buying players depending on their board expectations, if a CPU team believes it can reach an International spot they would have more incentives to buy quality players no matter their age, if the CPU board expectations are low then they should focus on young promissing players only. I think this should give some balance to the market, in the future maybe with more human managers we could return to the system we have now…

About knowing teams money and quality before applying I have my reserves, it could be too much helpful for cheaters and I dont think it would be that good for real new managers. Maybe making sure any new manager would have a certain amount of cash (at least the necessary to rise the couching level) or rising it automatic… Seeing players improving is a good motivation for itself :D

PS: Nice to see so many old and new people talking here, maybe I was wrong about the 50 active managers…


January 02, 2012 13:27

340 posts(s)


Actually if you just think about it for a second, this is only a problem when you do not play the game in any other way than trading players, which in my opinion is both unrealistic and silly.

I do not play like that so the “problems” you describe I can not see as problems. Perhaps the game is to be suited for more manager types.
10 or so years ago I wrote an article about it in another game forum, basically saying that there are several kind of managers looking for different kinds of rewards in a game, and they play the game in different ways. The tools are the same, club, players, stadium etc. Still some will look forward to win as much as possible, while others think buying and selling players (and developing them) is most fun. No one can say one way is more fun than the other, as it’s all about personal preferences. What the game needs to provide equally fair tools for all kind of managers to succeed in their own way of playing, ie the rewards in the games.

Filipe might be a world class scout in this game and has an eye for spotting promising players but that should NOT be the only way of spotting quality players. The game lacks proper mechanisms of scouting quality potential players. The best games allow you to play your own game and become successful instead of following a blueprint of success in order to “win”. Since many of us have played SoccerSim I’ll have that game as an example here. In SoccerSim you could get much more “rewards” and you could play the game your own way in order to reach success. BUT also there as in RubySoccer, in order to reach the very TOP of the game, you needed to play the game in a certain way as it was the ONLY way to be best or at least top 10 manager there.

In stead of smaller changes I’d personally would like to see changes that allow you play your own style of management still reach some kind of success without having to scout for 21-22 year old players with around 70 in main skills and knowing that they should get better. That would mean maybe a rewriting of the engine part where the player development is calculated. That part is the most important in any serious football manager game.



January 02, 2012 14:02

803 posts(s)


I dont think “my way” its the only way, but unless you get a team with a huge bank account its the fastest and better way to do it. Buying formed players can get you till a certain level but sure wont let you fight with the best. I dont think this is that unrealistic, most teams in the globe do the same, even their youth academy best players came from other teams and even other countries. Any regular team in any league can have some level of success by buying good 26-27 y.o. players, but unless the manager is a tactical genious they will not be as competitive as the teams that started thinking about their future much earlier.

One thing I think is certain, most people enjoy this games because of the trading and if we dont have a balanced and minimal fluent market it will be much harder to attract new managers…


January 02, 2012 15:32

340 posts(s)


It’s all about rewards for effort spent on/in the game!!!!



January 03, 2012 19:44

301 posts(s)


To me, this game changed when the CPU team/transfer markets were changed.
Up until that point, scouting was fun and finding that player with good starting value was also fun.
Now i find myself checking almost every player on the market. It’s very time consuming but still very rewarding.

Having said that, I find that the transfer market is definitely broken. It’s gotten to a point where CPU teams are selling crap players, human managed teams are selling crap players and the only way to get a good player is from a team who already has too many. Other than that, what we mostly see on the market are older players (which are still useful) and young players which won’t amount to anything.

I’ve played the game both ways. I’ve developed players and sold them for fun, and I’ve also made runs for the CL and CWC championships. In both cases i had a lot of fun.
I find myself now playing the game kind of a hybrid version of the two playing styles and can’t say that either style is funner than the other. However, since the market change, i can definitely say the fun factor for both playing style has been greatly diminished.

I think until we see a massive influx of human managers, this type of transfer market will continue.
Dare I say… I think the CPU teams were made TOO smart. Think about it, do you guys seriously think that every new manager in the world would keep all those 4mil+ starting value players their youth academy would produce? Chances are they would miss a tick where they had to sign him or would log on too late prior to closing tick for a player pickup.
But the CPU teams were made so smart and error free kind of managing… i don’t find it as realistic….


January 03, 2012 20:09

39 posts(s)



Well said Charles, I agree with everything. The way the market was set before made the game so much more interesting.

I realize that if you want to, you can still search and search for good players on the market(although I think they are few and far between). But I personally don’t have enough time(and maybe patience) to spend hours doing this, and I think there may be several other managers that would say the same.


January 03, 2012 20:27

639 posts(s)



“But the CPU teams were made so smart and error free kind of managing”

As far as I see, the CPU teams in the new countries don’t do transfers at all. At least, I checked some teams in Croatia and I didn’t see any team who bought or contracted a player.

Shouldn’t they try to become stronger?


January 03, 2012 20:42

803 posts(s)


Not sure about the no quality players in the market Charles, and there are few 4M starting value players in the market because there are few in the game too, if player’s value drop so do new player’s starting value… Great youths have now a starting value around 3M or less…

I think there is still much quality in the market, and many of them from CPU teams, all my players were bought after the changes and most of them from CPU teams, and this team is not much different the one I had in Manchester’s start…


January 03, 2012 21:49

301 posts(s)


I agree filipe, those players are still there (check out the last player i got from valenciennes) but they are much fewer compared to before. But i got this player by luck and as i said, i searched the market for almost 2 hours…

Please correct me if i’m wrong, but are we still going to see 4.5+mil $$$ players or should we be content on grabbing guys with 2.5mil starting value?


January 03, 2012 22:48

803 posts(s)


The player you got started career 4 season ago, some of those players can have those high starting value but I believe the more recent ones are unlikely to be that much valued, it doesn’t mean player’s quality dropped, only their value due to the lack of deals and consequent drop of prices… I try to base my research more on the matches played and coaching level of the team to try figure how good player was when started (approximately), your player was also in my hotlist :D only when I get space in the team I search the market but last time I checked there was several good opportunities on the market IMO

I would like to know Gabriel’s opinion about Paulo Marzionna’s suggestion, a mixed system depending on teams objectives would be good for the market and still avoid the destruction of CPU teams…


January 03, 2012 23:40

639 posts(s)



What about coding CPU teams so they are buying players trying to improve their team, either right away or as a future prospect?


January 04, 2012 04:05

4,304 posts(s)



This topic is great guys! There is too much to comment about but I’ll start by saying the mixed CPU buying behavior suggested seems like the way to go. I’d also like to add more imperfection to CPU decisions, allowing them to also make weird decisions in picking new hires and youth players to keep.

Let’s raise the fun level together ;-)


January 04, 2012 11:10

299 posts(s)


Actually I think the CPU is imperfect already in many occasions, such as buying players only to sell them just a few ticks later for lesser prices. More like a drunk CPU, really :)
But yeah, CPU should apply various strategies depending on what their objectives are and so on

@Filipe, Charles, Gabriel
From what I have seen the 5million starting price is the top nowdays for youths. Interesting enough, I noticed a wave of high priced youths in England about 4-5 seasons ago, with lots of players starting at above 3 million. It seemed a bit odd, considering that England was ranked 3d or 5th (we jumped straight from 5th to the 3d spot in rankings, so no 4th placement in any season).
My guess would be that the such a wave was the result of the new you feature where countries, independently of their ranking will get once in a while a pool of good youths. Perhaps Gabriel can confirm this somehow? :)


January 04, 2012 19:58

58 posts(s)


Well… I´m happy to see that some players are concerned with the game future.

As I initiated this topic I would like to resume some ideas…

Firts I think that it´s general that it´s very important that the game has to be fun…. and for that the market it´s very important….

Like someone has said here the difference between human player and non Human players it´s huge… therefore or this number is readjusted or the non human teams has to be very active in the market… because they are the most…. I like the Paulo Marzionna’s suggestion… non human strong teams will buy more good players (all kind of players… youths and veterans and “mediums”)…. about the allowing bids on non transfer listed players… this is possible to do with a direct message.

The youth player I agree with some idea that I already saw in this forum… should appear randomly (and I think that now it´s better that in the past – Only south american good players)… and the development should depend of the ranking team, manager and countrie… and of corse the coaching department….

About new players they will come when the game is better and that it´s our responsibility….

Finally, like I said in the begining of this topic to increase the reality in my idea it´s urgent to get prize moneys…. (ex: 1st league place 2M 2nd-1.5M etc… all the teams slhould have some prize money)… Yes I know Filipe "the most successful teams " will have more money than the others yes it´s true but the others will want more reach that place….

About cheating…. I think we already have more rules to anti-cheating than cheaters…

Best Regards


January 07, 2012 14:21

296 posts(s)


What if you took a players value away so it cant be seen? In FT its fake anyway with alot of players 30mil + which are average at best. It would also help younger players if bot teams loaned them, im not sayin every player put on the list should be loaned but the ones with potential surely should?

Just my thoughts, i had it wrote out properly the other day then realised i couldnt reply on my mobile :D


January 08, 2012 17:43

13 posts(s)



hi, I am completely agree with the main of these comment post, and please listen to inquires. The game is getting bored more an more, due to is impossible get the money level other teams already have. The youths does not increase much even with level 10, taking a level 10 for coaching means the team is loosing money year by year, so for survive only possible thing is selling the few youths players got increased. Money is less and less year after years, and this only benefit to the already rich teams. Getting a team from the base make it impossible. It should be included some tv right that make money, or adapt to real situations, qualify to european champions should mean money for matches won / draw as it.
Thanks to many people went back to spanish and english league (fast t) which are almost full of game players (as the early years) had made becoming interesting the leagues again! Really please realize on this! The new leagues with no people on them is completely wrong idea, and unreal as well, you compete with who? will computer all the time, and you can get players from other league which the computer team does not get due to the rubysoccer logica.
Please, the best is getting the possibility to get chance that from one season to another the things could change due to the investments risk on player or to the new youth player which now is impossible due teams goes deficit year by year and necessary to sell. And the idea on the national teams is no sense, even this is not a big deal, but lets make enjoyable, even playing between continents (which was the idea regarding the post about same possibilities on all leagues, brasi and argentina gets 13 teams qualifies for international competitions, on europe 7 as much!) So real life —> international competitions = money. Here does not. Here it was created all leagues of 20 teams (unreal) for get the same change of increase player levels = even more difference if qualification to international competitions is so different = lets do all real and make money or all unreal and lets invent and create and international tournements between countries (national teams idea does not reflect this)
sorry for the long explanation. cheers


January 08, 2012 19:25

803 posts(s)


I know I’m starting to look like the Devil’s lawyer but I have to disagree again about some of the things you say Jota. The youth system is the same that allowed most of the top teams to success in the game, and it is still possible to start a team from nothing, the managers you mensioned are the clear example, Sly, Dirk, Charles, Vaughn, Amac, François and others (me too :D) have started teams recently and if you look at them they all start to look great, and all of them will be fighting for their leagues soon. I can understand if a new manager have a hard time figuring how the game works but you have been here for as long as us so just because the game isn’t as easy doesn’t mean we should make it dumb easy… Giving prises for international qualifications and matches would have no help for new managers in new teams, on the contrary, the stronger teams would have more money to offer for good players… Weaker teams would be even more poor… I can agree with prises if they are based on teams expectations, if the board wants the manager to avoid relegation and he manages to get an international spot sure, have a prise for that and improve his team, the same with lower division teams…


January 11, 2012 09:04

828 posts(s)


been saying this for a year now and back then i was given shit for it and now look where we are lol

i fucking told you all this would happen

notice how many managers have got up and left the game and how thin the countries are now told you that would happen too

10 coaching and stadium enhancements are a bunch of bullshit
and the youth are shite and dont improve after entire seasons of playing with 10 coaching.

this issue has been neglected for too long

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