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Your Performance: 8%

Subscribe to Your Performance: 8% 17 post(s), 6 voice(s)


August 17, 2010 16:35

639 posts(s)



I have spent quite a bit of time on Rubysoccer, only to lose almost all my matches with PSV. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what… even after improving my squad by loaning some strong payers, they kept losing. So what am I doing wrong? I have tried 442, 433, 352, didn’t seem to matter. My tactics are basically going forward when having the ball, going backwards when not having the ball. Am I missing something?

And how long will I survive on 8%, now that the season (on the fastticker) is over?


August 17, 2010 23:05

287 posts(s)


You need at least 1 striker with 90+ shooting and a goalkeeper with speedy+goal > 180

As general recomendation you need more players with average skills greater than 83.

With your current squad I would try:

Strikers: Ramos (center), Abreu (RC)
Middle: Morais (LC+1), Vogel (LC 0), Barrientos (C 0), Cuadrado (RC 0)
Defenders: Gallego (C+1), Harun (C 0), Fraga (RC 0), Reynaud (LC 0)
Goal: Armstrong


August 18, 2010 20:01

639 posts(s)



Your Performance: 1%

Season is over though, hope I survive till the next one begins and I can try to apply your advices.


August 23, 2010 18:40

639 posts(s)



No luck in the first game :( I am supposed to win the league, but I if I won’t win the next game I might get sacked :(


August 23, 2010 21:16

299 posts(s)


Azalde LC0
Abreu RC0

Vogel MLC1
Morais MRC1

Ramos MLC-1
Barriento MRC-1

Reaynauld DC+1
Gallego-Harun-Fraga LC-C-RC at D0

Passing medium-normal, priority mixed
Shooting medium
Tackle at your choice

This should keep your results in check, at least above the middle table.
Once you stabilize your rating, try and get new players and lose the loaned ones


August 24, 2010 07:10

637 posts(s)


I even think you won’t get fired when you reach 0% unless someone else applied for your team. But I’m not 100% sure of it. Can someone confirm this? Gabriel?

I would use the same team setup as Dhimitri. Make the others better with friendlies.


August 24, 2010 08:35

4,300 posts(s)



Dirk is right, you won’t be fired unless someone better ranked than you is applying for your team. While that doesn’t happen, whenever you reach 0% or less it goes back to 1%.


August 26, 2010 07:37

639 posts(s)



No luck with that setup either: 20 16-human PSV 6 0 2 4 4 10 2 (board expects me to be top 3).

I also noticed only three of my players have an avarage statistic of 6 or more…


August 26, 2010 08:56

299 posts(s)


your setup in midfield is not like mine above.

It should be this one

Vogel MLC1
Morais MRC1

Ramos MLC-1
Barriento MRC-1

your current midfield setup is:



In any case, as I pointed out earlier, your concern for 3-4 seasons in a row should be the creation of a team, growing players. Once you have a proper team in your hands you can aim at results.


August 27, 2010 17:23

639 posts(s)



Yes I lost and had a red card, so I tried something else. Now with 3-5-2 I suddenly won 11-0 against a decent team. Next tick I got this message:

From: The Board
Subject: Bad Performance

You’d better start getting better results

11-0 is not enough I guess :P


August 30, 2010 04:08

4,300 posts(s)



Heheheh…this message is supposed to be sent whenever your performance goes from 10% or more to less than 10%, no matter what your previous decent result was…I know, it sounds really dumb in your example :D


August 30, 2010 08:13

639 posts(s)



I think I had been under 10% for a while at that time, though now I got it up to 13% thanks to better results (no losses in my last 8 league games).


September 05, 2010 08:22

639 posts(s)



Things have changed.
After six games my results were 2 ties, 4 losses, 4-10.
After twenty-six games 15 wins, 7 ties, 4 losses, 80-21…

Not sure what made the change, but I have good hope to go back to the Eredivisie.


September 14, 2010 08:29

639 posts(s)



Everything well now: Your Performance: 69%


September 14, 2010 16:55

340 posts(s)


Ain’t that the magic number? :)


October 06, 2010 14:01

639 posts(s)



Two seasons ago relegation, last season second in the second league, now third in the highest league. Europe watch out! :)


November 02, 2010 17:31

639 posts(s)



And for some time on 100% now. The team is still doing well, finishing second in the league. Next step is improving my international results (and to lessen the gap with AGOVV, currently clearly the best time in the Netherlands).

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