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How can I use corners to pass ball?

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October 03, 2009 00:13

287 posts(s)


I want that my strikers go to the bottom line and pass the ball to middle to any striker head the ball. How can I do that?

If I put someone at L+1 or R+1 this guy use to go diagonally to the goal to kick, not to pass the ball.

Como faço para esses atacantes cruzarem da linha da fundo?
Colocando em L+1 ou R+1 eles correm em diagonal pro gol e não vão pra linha de fundo cruzar.


October 03, 2009 00:33

4,303 posts(s)



What should happen is, if any player has the ball in what we call the crossing zone (left or right side of the penalty box) he should cross the ball to the box if any teammate is there. If it isn’t happening I’ll have to check what’s going wrong. I’ll make sure I review this logic while working on the match engine enhancements.

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