-In any match, after minute 45, move the player on zone A, side C and mentality -1 to zone A, side C and mentality 0
-In any match, after minute 45, move the player on zone A, side C and mentality 0 to zone A, side C and mentality -1
I hope this will result in players swapping their attacking positions….
Unfortunately it won’t. Rules are applied individually so when the first one is checked it won’t be applied cause there is already a player on that position, it assumes you don’t want to swap. Danilo should be the one to comment that and discuss any improvement as he’s the one who designed the match actions stuff.
In any match, after minute 45, move the player on zone A, side C and mentality 0 to zone A, side LC and mentality 0
In any match, after minute 45, move the player on zone A, side C and mentality -1 to zone A, side C and mentality 0
In any match, after minute 50, move the player on zone A, side LC and mentality 0 to zone A, side C and mentality -1
Then, will this do the swapping??
I’ve already answered Nirabdha by in-game message, but let me answer that here too. To make sure the swap will work with the current logic we have you should put each rule in a different minute (lilke 40, 45 and 50).
actually i thought i had deleted this one, so i sent that pm…